don't you realize he knows the Constitution?
He didn't study it to uphold it, he studied it to learn how to tear it apart!!!!
"These decisions -- that government, not the free market, shall dictate who runs a private corporation, what that corporation shall make or sell, and what it shall pay its employees --
are unprecedented in an America not fully mobilized for war.
Apologists for the Obama administration -- and there are many -- note that previous administrations have done similar things in 'difficult economic times.' As examples, they cite Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Depression-era agricultural production limits to boost farm prices and Richard Nixon's "temporary" wage and price freeze to cut inflation.
What today's cheerleaders for Draconian interference in capitalism and our private lives fail to mention is that these measures were abandoned because they did not work.
FDR's farm production limits produced a thriving black market and eventually succumbed to the need to feed millions of our countrymen suddenly drafted to fight World War II.
President Nixon's attempt to dampen inflation with wage and price controls was a monumental failure. When he started the program, the inflation rate was nearly 4 percent.
By the time he left office, it was more than 13 percent and climbing. But
those ugly precedents aren't going to stop the O-Team from trying again." --Ollie North
The government, which is decreasingly capable of running itself, will now dictate to corporate America how to run companies.
The Obama administration has even promised that government will insure any warranties that might be in jeopardy should GM and Chrysler declare bankruptcy.
It is a dangerous precedent that should frighten all of us into opposing the administration's plans with every fiber of our still free beings. President Obama says the American auto industry will not be allowed to 'simply vanish.' No, but the direction in which it is heading will require what's left of the companies to manufacture cars even fewer people want to buy, thus requiring the effective nationalization of the automobile industry.
If people aren't buying cars from GM and Chrysler in sufficient numbers to make a profit today, why would they buy them when they are even less attractive?" --columnist Cal Thomas
"Instead of the quick, decisive, confidential and limited action some of us hoped for last September, a couple of presidents and Treasury secretaries -- plus a chairman of the Federal Reserve -- have been all over it.
Every week they seem to propose a different remedy and new takeover. Congress has intervened, too, Heaven help us. For this is the same 535-member board of directors that gave us success stories like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Another huge, maybe permanent public-private corporation is now on the drawing board to handle/extend the crisis that those bloated monsters created.
Oh, joy! Ah, Congress. ... Five hundred and thirty-five cooks do have a tendency to spoil the broth. Especially if every member of Congress thinks he knows the answer to the Crisis, which, naturally, grows ever more complicated thanks to all their ministrations.
The government just goes on acquiring a huge stake in private companies. One week it's AIG, the next General Motors. What's next?
The most ambitious agenda of social and financial engineering since the (not so) Great Society is being proposed in the name of speeding the economy's recovery.
Health, energy, education, you name it and this administration is going to re-do it completely. Well, sure.
In the immortal words of Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff: 'You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.'"
--Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editor Paul Greenberg
Are you serious?
Is this honestly what comes to mind when you think of President Obama?
I can't even begin to fathom the level of ignorance it takes for someone's mind to go there...
Talk about pure, unadulterated, unabashed, 'good ol' boy' bigotry at it's finest...
You're living, breathing proof that the right to vote should come with a minimum IQ requirement
The funny thing is that those most apt to use the word "bigot", evidently don't understand the meaning of the word and usually turn out to be rather bigoted themselves.
When speaking of 'levels of ignorance' and minimum IQs, one had better look in the mirror first.
First off, if there were a minimum IQ to decide who could vote, we wouldn't even be having the conversation because Barry wouldn't be president.