President Trump's Farewell Address To The Nation

Only place I disagree is when he said he wishes the new regime well and hope he is successful. I hope for complete failure by the regime
When you bought your vagina hat, did you get it on line, or are they now selling them at WalMart? You sound just like those folks from 4 years ago.
When you bought your vagina hat, did you get it on line, or are they now selling them at WalMart? You sound just like those folks from 4 years ago.

Do you not see a fundamental transformation about to take place? Trump was not transformational.
Do you not see a fundamental transformation about to take place? Trump was not transformational.
I see little difference from when it went from Bush to Obama. Well, except John McCain had the balls to come right out and admit he lost. Trump knows he lost. He's just counting on fools to make him feel better.
I see little difference from when it went from Bush to Obama. Well, except John McCain had the balls to come right out and admit he lost. Trump knows he lost. He's just counting on fools to make him feel better.

You have got to be kidding me. This aint 2008.
You have got to be kidding me. This aint 2008.
I assumed you were talking policy. If you are referring to the dumb asses who continue to believe Trump won, then yes is I see a difference . The internet has rotted the brains of many. Like anyone who thought Q was even possible. Perhaps believed JFK Jr. might be alive. Thought Trump was taking down the deep state. Believed Dems were a bunch of secret pedophiles. They have rotted out brains. And even when this Q ****, and other nonsense has proven to be false, they continue to dive right into the next conspiracy. Of course it's not really surprising. They believe the current POTUS was going to prove Obama was not born in this country, fell for his shat evidence, and gave him a pass at every turn for not producing on any of his grand conspiracy garbage.
I assumed you were talking policy. If you are referring to the dumb asses who continue to believe Trump won, then yes is I see a difference . The internet has rotted the brains of many. Like anyone who thought Q was even possible. Perhaps believed JFK Jr. might be alive. Thought Trump was taking down the deep state. Believed Dems were a bunch of secret pedophiles. They have rotted out brains. And even when this Q ****, and other nonsense has proven to be false, they continue to dive right into the next conspiracy. Of course it's not really surprising. They believe the current POTUS was going to prove Obama was not born in this country, fell for his shat evidence, and gave him a pass at every turn for not producing on any of his grand conspiracy garbage.

WTH...I am talking policy.
Let me be crystal clear I don’t GAF what a radical leftist like you think or have to say. Nothing. Zero. Your boy *won enjoy it
A couple of follow ups:

Does the vagina hat you wear smell like plastic or you know vagina?

I have the impression there is a lot of sand in your vagina hat. Can you confirm or deny? TIA.
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Then the policy is little different then it was prior to Trump. And is equally transformative from Obama to Trump and then Trump to Biden.

Regulation, Paris Accords and such as shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline and making us net energy dependent again. Yea, it will be transformative.
I mean I wish he would govern as a 1990 Dem. It aint happening.
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Regulation, Paris Accords and such as shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline and making us net energy dependent again. Yea, it will be transformative.
I mean I wish he would govern as a 1990 Dem. It aint happening.
Wait. You just said Trump wasn't Transformative? All of these Biden things are Obama part two. If it wasn't transformative when Trump changed them then how is transformative when Biden changes them back? And transformative doesn't mean good or bad. You aren't making sense. And to be clear I am against the Paris accord and shutting down the pipeline
Wait. You just said Trump wasn't Transformative? All of these Biden things are Obama part two. If it wasn't transformative when Trump changed them then how is transformative when Biden changes them back? And transformative doesn't mean good or bad. You aren't making sense. And to be clear I am against the Paris accord and shutting down the pipeline

Do what? I see what you are saying, but this is silly. Transformational change with radical policy. Going back to more traditional historical governance is transformational in only the sense of the word.
Do what? I see what you are saying, but this is silly. Transformational change with radical policy. Going back to more traditional historical governance is transformational in only the sense of the word.
Transformational means making dramatic change. Interpretation of traditional/not traditional isn't relevant. Trump changed the direction Obama was going. That's transformational. You said it's not. Biden is changing it back. Yea it's transformational. But no more so then Trumps change.
Transformational means making dramatic change. Interpretation of traditional/not traditional isn't relevant. Trump changed the direction Obama was going. That's transformational. You said it's not. Biden is changing it back. Yea it's transformational. But no more so then Trumps change.

Hussein hated this country, thats why he wanted it changed. Kamala will make it worse than hussein could ever.
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