Why there are so many Kentucky fans on volnation? I've always wondered.
Not speaking for all of us, because a few of the UK fans on vol-nation are the type I try to escape by coming here. (Only 1 or 2, they stand out like sore thumbs) Every fanbase has their village idiots and homers, I see many of UT's here on VN eveyday posting. Its a part of sports, and a part of the fandom that makes college basketball great.
However, being a UK fan is a double edged sword. On one hand you have the most rabid, dedicated, hardcore fanbase in the college game. On the other hand, the sheer number of fans in the UK fanbase means that percentage wise your going to have more of the above when you combine rabid and hardcore with a limited intelligence of basketball and homerism. Not calling my fanbase stupid, its just a fact of life in ANY fanbase. On most Kentucky boards, especially the dumpster fire that is Catspause, its hard to talk common sense or even raise debate. As far as they are concerned, Cal is clean, we are going to win the next 25 titles in a row, and so forth.
Here on VN, I have the ability to receive input from minds outside of the UK program, and know the public perception of our program. I can also talk about the things I do not like, or the concerns I have with our program. I am a realist, and realist aren't very welcome in the UK sandbox.
There are many here on VN that I enjoy talking to and debating with, and lots of different conversations I can take part it. Of course I have to deal with the knuckle draggers on this site who run around calling me troll, and resorting to football jokes even when the conversation is about something totally different. But those are the lumps you gotta take when residing on the site of a rival.