Pretty Amazing Set of Stats

This is our 3rd year above .500 in November since 2009. It's easy to be critical at times but its important to remember not to take the wins for granted.
I guess it’s a good thing that I’ve almost forgotten what it’s like trying to rationalize half way thru the season how we could possibly end up bowl eligible
People have forgotten just how bad it had gotten and now scoff at the accomplishments of these teams and players. As much as people whine and moan about Joe... who outside of Dobbs or hooker in those last few years would you honestly trade him for? And even Dobbs was hated by a lot of fans till the very end. I have never understood why it seems certain QB's get nothing but hate from fans no matter what their games get picked apart. Every Overthrow or dropped pass.... and all of these QB's that get this treatment have a certain thing in common.

Anyway, the point is Huepel is doing a great job and I am excited to see how this team looks over the next few years. It seems like defenses are catching up somewhat with the offense. That being said I think he can make adjustments. They have found ways to slow down the offense somewhat not stop it. As much as our passing offense has suffered the rushing offense has blossomed and thats the magic of this offense. You can take away the pass and we run it down your throat take away the run and bombs away.
I sure would like to see us upset GA. Still think it will be a tough game at Mizzou, but it would be great to win out. If nothing else, think Ga will probably soften up Mizzou for us some.
Not sure I would call Tennessee beating Georgia at Neyland an “upset” in any given year.
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It's hard to understate the Nick Saban effect. Tennessee basically started off 0-1 in the SEC every year, thanks to the singular pleasure that is the permanent cross-divison Alabama game. No other team from the East had to deal with that. Then you add in the turmoil from coaching changes as Tennessee thrashed its way through mediocrity, and there you have it. Georgia fenced in its state, Florida hired a great coach, and that hung an 0-3 on us a lot of the time.

And yet, for all that misery, two things -

First, hold tight, Vol fans. When Alabama loses Saban they will implode into a black hole of stupidity trying to recapture their lost glory. We will FEAST on them, as long as we've rebuilt into a stable, top tier program. They haven't had to deal with a coaching search in almost 20 years. The last time they did, they were hiring geniuses like Dennis Franchione and Mike "It's Rolling, Baby!" Price. For all their genetic mishaps, they will share one very real trait with us - a passion for winning that demands a coach who's as good as Saban. Those toothless trailer park Tinder jockeys will devour whole every coach who comes after him. And just as we've walked the desert for decades in search of "the best." so too shall they.

Second, Josh Heupel is worth his weight in gold and if anyone tries to fire him they had better keep their window blinds lowered. Okay, that's last part's a joke. Uh. Probably. You know. I mean. Maybe.
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I LOVED Tennessee Football from 1989-2008. After Fulmer was canned, a part of me died inside.

I wasn’t enamored with Kiffin because he had no TN ties and wasn’t one of the only two coaches I had ever known - Majors & Fulmer. When he bolted for USC, I didn’t fault him because it was his dream job at the time, and I felt we could do better.

After the egomaniacal Dooley was brought in, I lost interest quickly during his first season. Same with Jones, who won at Cincinnati with Brian Kelly’s players. Then the Schiano/Fulmer/Currie debacle that turned out to be worse than the previous two regimes when we got Pruitt. I had become apathetic about the Vols and didn’t regularly keep up with the program for a good 12 years.

When Danny White hired Josh Heupel, I felt we finally had a coach who knew what he was doing, had integrity, and put the program before himself. He cherished the opportunity to lead one of the greatest programs of all-time. My interest in UT football immediately piqued. After watching the heart and effort we showed in the Pitt game his first season, I was immediately sold. Now I love Tennessee Football again like I did in the 90’s, and have invested - donating money, buying season tickets, and scheduling my fall Saturdays around appointment viewing of the Orange & White.

It’s great (again) to be a Tennessee Vol!
People have forgotten just how bad it had gotten and now scoff at the accomplishments of these teams and players. As much as people whine and moan about Joe... who outside of Dobbs or hooker in those last few years would you honestly trade him for? And even Dobbs was hated by a lot of fans till the very end. I have never understood why it seems certain QB's get nothing but hate from fans no matter what their games get picked apart. Every Overthrow or dropped pass.... and all of these QB's that get this treatment have a certain thing in common.

Anyway, the point is Huepel is doing a great job and I am excited to see how this team looks over the next few years. It seems like defenses are catching up somewhat with the offense. That being said I think he can make adjustments. They have found ways to slow down the offense somewhat not stop it. As much as our passing offense has suffered the rushing offense has blossomed and thats the magic of this offense. You can take away the pass and we run it down your throat take away the run and bombs away.
I think on our case, it's the Manning experiences we loved so much and his still displaying his personality in commercials, appearances. etc. We see him and remember him with pride. (that is many of we UT fans) ON Saturdays we see our QB do something less than perfect, and images of Payton " the one in our memories" who never did a wrong cloud or judgment.
Maybe this will make you feel better, SEC final season Stats

2023: 3-2 ( with 3 games left)
2022: 6-2
2021: 4-4
2020: 3-7 (Vacated)
2019: 5-3 (Vacated)
2018: 2-6
2017: 0-8
2016: 4-4
2015: 5-3
2014: 3-5
2013: 2-6
2012: 1-7
2011: 1-7
2010: 3-5
2009: 4-4

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