Pretty Large Meteor Shower - 10pm ET

Can you guys get a northward view? Just saw a couple bright ones, maybe 40-50 degrees up
I just seen this thread about 30 minutes ago. I'm located in rural Middle Tennessee. I went outside with a buddy, and we seen 4 within 20-25 mins. I seen one huge bright one with a very long tail, another pretty good one, a decent one, then a very small one. The first 3 was in the Northeastern sky. The last one, the small one was traveling West.
Y'all see that one? Incredible, went toward horizon with a huge trail

I believe I too seen the one you're referring to. If not I see one that was pretty incredible as well. 4 total within a 20-25 min time frame. My neck started hurting so I came back in.
i can finally get out side,I do hope it picks up and we can see a 100 an hour and yes it has happened with the Perseid meteor shower
I've counted 14 since my last post,I am out in the sticks,so that helps a lot,'m facing dead north and don't have much of a sky,the tall ridges block out a lot of it

the swievl in my office chair helps a lot too lol
I've counted 14 since my last post,I am out in the sticks,so that helps a lot,'m facing dead north and don't have much of a sky,the tall ridges block out a lot of it

the swievl in my office chair helps a lot too lol

I tapped out. I have a friend who'll have pictures on Facebook in the morning.
7 so far - 4 duds and 3 good ones. 1 per 5 - 10 minutes. too much ambient light to see them all.

facing N to slightly NE seems to be the best though one came over my head from the SE heading NNW and it was a good one - might have been lost

Gonna go back out in a bit to see if it picks ups
the north to slighty NE is working best for me,it is the milky way,i don't know if you can see it or not

I've seen quite a few more,but it looks like either the clouds are moving in or it is fog off the river,is anybody else having cloud problems ?

I'm about 40 to 50 miles north of Knoxville,right over the Clinch Mountain from Bean Station
the north to slighty NE is working best for me,it is the milky way,i don't know if you can see it or not

I've seen quite a few more,but it looks like either the clouds are moving in or it is fog off the river,is anybody else having cloud problems ?

I'm about 40 to 50 miles north of Knoxville,right over the Clinch Mountain from Bean Station

The light from the one stop light you have probably isn't affecting star gazing much. :)
there isn't a stop light for a good 15 miles or so,actually you can't see a house from my place,even though they are fairly close by and yes they are scared of the dark and there are a couple of street lights around lol
well the sky has cleared up a bit as far as clouds go,but I'm fighting the fog too lol but I have seen a good amount of meteors since my last post,I had to come in and see why the music stopped and thought I'd give a report,I still haven't seen a really big one yet,but enough small ones to keep it interesting

I did hear a coyote pack off in the distant and some Owls and was attacked by a big ass cootie bug :)
at a guess,i'd say I saw around 50 or more meteors tonight,nothing spectacular,but quite a few good small ones and I did see one split in two,that was the best

the clouds and fog finally made me give it up,it did seem like it was picking up right before that,but I did hit a fairly clear patch of sky right before it clouded up good
A whopping 300 people in Dowelltown and the next town has the same amount in Liberty lol. I have family in both. I actually live in Alexandria so I'm just down the road.
Sitting out back watching... Perfectly clear in west K-town. Saw 3-4 good ones last night.

Glad to hear you had some viewing fun in W Knox. I usually go to the Foothills Parkway to view the showers. There is a little light pollution from Maryville / Alcoa, and who knows what emanating from Nebo, but it is pretty dark up there.

I didn't catch this thread in time, but having moved to W Knox myself I am glad there is potential to see a show here. I really didn't think there would be.

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