Pro-Antifa High School Teacher in California Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students

Where is the principal in monitoring the curriculum? And the kids aren't going to get AP credit of this is the way the teacher teaches.
And we wonder why we have the government we have ? Geez ... fire these pieces of scum that bring radical political beliefs into the classroom. Any teacher that forces any political leaning (no matter right nor left) on their student body is fit to teach.
WTH has happened to our education system? I don’t consider myself an old timer by any means (I do however freely admit that I am playing on the back nine of life) I can’t name more than 3 or 4 teachers or professors in my time as a student that I knew where they stood politically and those 3 or 4 weren’t until my time on The Hill. The force feeding of politics didn’t really exist then, and damn if we weren’t better for it !
I have to walk through the local Public School Administration parking lot everyday because it’s right next to my work. Since the beginning of July I noticed a car with a vanity plate that reads “Mark6ist” . Ironically, it is a BMW, but not surprisingly it’s a Jersey plate. Unbelievable.
I was just about to link this story. This guy will be gone. Good for the school district.
Encouraging vulnerable minds to overthrow the Constitution???That's terrible!!

But rings a bell, for some reason.... Right around beginning of January ......
Yet, this will be dismissed because it’s from “project Verona’s.”
easy excuse and ignore when you can poison the source.
The school administration knew good and damn well what this POS was doing all along and should also be terminated. Chances are the school board also knew what was going on.

If these pictures are real, no way did they not know what this psychopath was doing.
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WTH has happened to our education system? I don’t consider myself an old timer by any means (I do however freely admit that I am playing on the back nine of life) I can’t name more than 3 or 4 teachers or professors in my time as a student that I knew where they stood politically and those 3 or 4 weren’t until my time on The Hill. The force feeding of politics didn’t really exist then, and damn if we weren’t better for it !
Yep. Actually it's probably no worse now. With the advent of social media, opinions are shaped even more so by ideological narratives from a myriad of sources

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