Pro-Antifa High School Teacher in California Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students

I have to walk through the local Public School Administration parking lot everyday because it’s right next to my work. Since the beginning of July I noticed a car with a vanity plate that reads “Mark6ist” . Ironically, it is a BMW, but not surprisingly it’s a Jersey plate. Unbelievable.
Sounds like a good candidate for a key job
WTH has happened to our education system? I don’t consider myself an old timer by any means (I do however freely admit that I am playing on the back nine of life) I can’t name more than 3 or 4 teachers or professors in my time as a student that I knew where they stood politically and those 3 or 4 weren’t until my time on The Hill. The force feeding of politics didn’t really exist then, and damn if we weren’t better for it !

Think about it. Where else do you have young impressionable minds for several hours each day? Teachers are the best investment radicals and the left could possibly make. Most parents would likely tell you how difficult it is teaching children values and ethical behavior when competing with teachers and your children's peers. Trust me at some age, those other kids, their parents, and your children's teachers will be smarter than you ever were. A lot wears off when your kids face the world on their own, and you amazingly become intelligent again, but with liberals in control, schools are simply reeducation camps to erase what you've taught your kids. I honestly believe you have to look no further than universities (particularly after the socialist revolutions of the 20th century) to see the shift left in the US. The output of those same universities became the K-12 teachers of yesterday, today, and on steroids for tomorrow. Not all teachers are like this, of course; and we have some great examples of responsible teachers right here on VN.
Progressive - another ideological lie. Just coopt a word with real meaning and give it a leftist new meaning.

Progressivism and the term progressive find their roots in the 19th century. It is a leaning towards new ideas or ways of doing things.

The opposite of progressive is actually not conservativism but regressive. It is possible to be a progressive conservative - seeking conservative ideals of small Government and limited personal liberty through new form or implementation - or a regressive liberal - seeking to retain or return to old laws or rules for the purpose of maintaining the government as the driving force of personal and national advancement.
Progressivism and the term progressive find their roots in the 19th century. It is a leaning towards new ideas or ways of doing things.

The opposite of progressive is actually not conservativism but regressive. It is possible to be a progressive conservative - seeking conservative ideals of small Government and limited personal liberty through new form or implementation - or a regressive liberal - seeking to retain or return to old laws or rules for the purpose of maintaining the government as the driving force of personal and national advancement.

I get that, but progress generally means movement in a positive direction, and progressivism is anything but that. It's simply stealing a positive term and using it to promote a failed concept ... unless there really is a socialist paradise that we've missed somewhere. Of course, I have no doubt that somewhere in the annals of social studies that somehow "progressivism" as used by liberals is somehow different (except in spelling) from socialism.
Progressivism and the term progressive find their roots in the 19th century. It is a leaning towards new ideas or ways of doing things.

The opposite of progressive is actually not conservativism but regressive. It is possible to be a progressive conservative - seeking conservative ideals of small Government and limited personal liberty through new form or implementation - or a regressive liberal - seeking to retain or return to old laws or rules for the purpose of maintaining the government as the driving force of personal and national advancement.
Within political constructs the term progressive has been completely and utterly coopted. Basically you’re both right.
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Antifa member charged with Shooting anti-vaxxer in Washington

An Antifa member with a long history of posting far-left extremist content online has been arrested and charged with the shooting of an anti-vaxxer in Olympia, Wash.

Benjamin Anthony Varela, 36, of Olympia, was arrested on Thursday and charged with first-degree assault while armed with a deadly weapon.

On Sept. 4, a couple dozen Antifa from around the Pacific Northwest traveled to the Washington state Capitol building to try to shut down an anti-COVID vaccine mandate protest. The black-clad group was met by the rally’s volunteer right-wing security, who included Proud Boys members. When the Antifa group ran to the Intercity Transit Station, one of their masked members turned around and fired five 9mm pistol rounds in the direction of the right-wing group, which was about 50 feet behind, according to security footage. Proud Boys member Tusitala Toese was injured in the shooting.

Varela, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, deleted most of his social media accounts before his arrest, but posts still available on Twitter show he corresponded back and forth with the Spokane and Olympia DSA chapters as well as, an anarchist-Communist website. Prior to deleting his Twitter account, his bio read, “professional anarchist, thug, and paid protester.” His YouTube account, which is still online but doesn’t have any videos available to the public, features a red and black Antifa flag as its profile image. According to the affidavit, Varela ran into an alley behind the Union Gospel Mission after the shooting and discarded his black uniform.

Antifa member Benjamin Varela charged with shooting protester
People still freaking out about Communism like it’s 1950 are hilarious to me
Right, because we don't have more recent examples of socialist and communist principles in government action to pull fears from.

I don't know about you but I'd rather love and appreciate my pets as opposed to having to resort to consuming them to stay alive. I guess I'm just silly and old fashioned in that regard.
It's the right move, no teacher should force or coerce political views on students. He crossed multiple lines, no room for a teacher using a students political views to shame them.
Agreed. We should not be teaching creationism in science class either.
If it were my child and her teacher had admited to this we would have serious problems. After fair warning if it continued he would be visiting the dentist to reverse the results of my indoctrination.
I’m beginning to think violence may be the answer we’re looking for with regard to these types
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I have to walk through the local Public School Administration parking lot everyday because it’s right next to my work. Since the beginning of July I noticed a car with a vanity plate that reads “Mark6ist” . Ironically, it is a BMW, but not surprisingly it’s a Jersey plate. Unbelievable.
If you were in GA, I'd say you'd found @luthervol .
It's the right move, no teacher should force or coerce political views on students. He crossed multiple lines, no room for a teacher using a students political views to shame them.
I'm more concerned about the suits in charge who allowed this to happen for so long.

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