Project Veritas Exposes ESPN’s Ugly Racist Reality


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
Here at the sports desk located somewhere below decks of the Good Pirate Ship RedState, we prefer our sports reporting to be actual reporting about… you know, sports. Victories, accomplishments, championships. The reasons we watch sports. For the entertainment. So we can marvel at the abilities and achievements of athletes. As was said way back at the beginning, ball don’t lie and ball don’t care about skin color either. So, why should we?

Try telling that to ESPN. Last year’s Maria Taylor versus Rachel Nichols tiff was an indicator of the disease that permeates the self-proclaimed worldwide leader in sports. Now, some work by Project Veritas and a brave ESPN employee has thoroughly exposed the reverse racism and sexism running rampant throughout the network.

Warning: video and text below contain coarse language
Alyssa Lang will sadly be looking for a new job in the near future.
Hey VolnFla,
Franklin Pierce posted this story on this forum late last night and it is now in the Political forum.
Thought I would let you know.
You would be surprised how easy it is to live without paying for an ESPN TV package.
You miss a few games you would watch but soon realize how much of your precious time on this earth you wasted watching football games. Their blue woke agenda finished it for me.
I do not care if they go off the air or they continue shoveling their sh#t to the American sheeple. I am through with their product.
This is just another example of what I've always known. Despite its name, The United States isn't united. From its inception, it has been fractured and fragmented. It is now in the process of shattering. The dictators in our times know this, so are testing the waters for fulfilling their fondest wish, which is our final collapse. The sad reality is it is coming because we're too stupid to see the real danger and unify against it. Even our allies are exhibiting signs of being tentative about standing by our side in the face of genuine challenges. Little wonder that Khamenei, Jong Un, Putin, and Xi Jinping chuckle with glee at the self-destructive mess of our own stupidity and disunity demonstrates itself in our country. We're moving swiftly to become the Discordant States of America. The first step to eventually being conquered, divided as spoil shared by said dictators. Go ahead and laugh, deride me, insult me, whatever. Deny the evidence seen almost daily on every level of our society. The truth is often unwelcome by people, unless it flatters them or denigrates others.

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." - Abraham Lincoln January 27, 1838, Springfield, Illinois
You would be surprised how easy it is to live without paying for an ESPN TV package.
You miss a few games you would watch but soon realize how much of your precious time on this earth you wasted watching football games. Their blue woke agenda finished it for me.
I do not care if they go off the air or they continue shoveling their sh#t to the American sheeple. I am through with their product.

Oh gosh no. What ever will they do?
This is just another example of what I've always known. Despite its name, The United States isn't united. From its inception, it has been fractured and fragmented. It is now in the process of shattering. The dictators in our times know this, so are testing the waters for fulfilling their fondest wish, which is our final collapse. The sad reality is it is coming because we're too stupid to see the real danger and unify against it. Even our allies are exhibiting signs of being tentative about standing by our side in the face of genuine challenges. Little wonder that Khamenei, Jong Un, Putin, and Xi Jinping chuckle with glee at the self-destructive mess of our own stupidity and disunity demonstrates itself in our country. We're moving swiftly to become the Discordant States of America. The first step to eventually being conquered, divided as spoil shared by said dictators. Go ahead and laugh, deride me, insult me, whatever. Deny the evidence seen almost daily on every level of our society. The truth is often unwelcome by people, unless it flatters them or denigrates others.

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." - Abraham Lincoln January 27, 1838, Springfield, Illinois

Too bad Lincoln didn’t eat a bullet shortly after that.
Reading comprehension not one of your talents?
I do not care.
Whatever they do it will be without any money from my pocket.

My comment was directed at the overwhelmingly self important and dim witted attitude you took with announcing your cancelling of sports in your life and your apparent belief it would affect the lives of the players, owners, employees etc one iota.
My comment was directed at the overwhelmingly self important and dim witted attitude you took with announcing your cancelling of sports in your life and your apparent belief it would affect the lives of the players, owners, employees etc one iota.

Wait until he sees the next NBA TV contract.
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My comment was directed at the overwhelmingly self important and dim witted attitude you took with announcing your cancelling of sports in your life and your apparent belief it would affect the lives of the players, owners, employees etc one iota.

Why does his opinion on a message board full of opinion piss you off so much? I don't think he stated anything about affecting anyone else's life. Bizarre thought process.
Why does his opinion on a message board full of opinion piss you off so much? I don't think he stated anything about affecting anyone else's life. Bizarre thought process.
Nor did I say i canceled sports in my life. Just ESPN.
Poor thing must have failed English lit 4 times.
Probably just one of many posters on VN that live to make snide remarks they think are cute.
Why does his opinion on a message board full of opinion piss you off so much? I don't think he stated anything about affecting anyone else's life. Bizarre thought process.

Dude their are some grown ass fanboys in here that get terribly offended if you don’t tow the line on pro sports worship.
Here at the sports desk located somewhere below decks of the Good Pirate Ship RedState, we prefer our sports reporting to be actual reporting about… you know, sports. Victories, accomplishments, championships. The reasons we watch sports. For the entertainment. So we can marvel at the abilities and achievements of athletes. As was said way back at the beginning, ball don’t lie and ball don’t care about skin color either. So, why should we?

Try telling that to ESPN. Last year’s Maria Taylor versus Rachel Nichols tiff was an indicator of the disease that permeates the self-proclaimed worldwide leader in sports. Now, some work by Project Veritas and a brave ESPN employee has thoroughly exposed the reverse racism and sexism running rampant throughout the network.

Warning: video and text below contain coarse language
Where is all of the course language? Damnit!
Former ESPN employee and race hustler Jemele Hill will now be employed by CNN. CNN should be killing it now with Jemelle and Rex Chapman. Smh
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