Property Taxes



Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Jun 19, 2008
In my opinion property taxes is the worst form of theft allowed in this country. So it probably has no hope of passing.

My thoughts exactly.

" we taxed the money when you made it..and took an extra chunk for our Ponzi scheme too. Then we taxed you again when you bought your property just because we CAN. Now we want to tax you every year in perpetuity on that same piece of property...and if you're unable to pay WE will TAKE IT from you as our own." - your government

Absolutely robbery. Especially since they "reappraise" your property with their own appraisors and increase those yearly taxes on said property. For senior citizens barely scraping by and unable to work, this can and does result in them losing their homes. Its criminal.

We should have been stacking bodies of politicians over this issue long long ago.
My thoughts exactly.

" we taxed the money when you made it..and took an extra chunk for our Ponzi scheme too. Then we taxed you again when you bought your property just because we CAN. Now we want to tax you every year in perpetuity on that same piece of property...and if you're unable to pay WE will TAKE IT from you as our own." - your government

Absolutely robbery. Especially since they "reappraise" your property with their own appraisors and increase those yearly taxes on said property. For senior citizens barely scraping by and unable to work, this can and does result in them losing their homes. Its criminal.

We should have been stacking bodies of politicians over this issue long long ago.

Agreed. In the US you never OWN property, at best you just rent it from the local/state government.

I realize property taxes will never go away but at some point it should be frozen. Own a property x number of years and at the very least the amount you pay in property taxes should never increase.
Disprove what? You're challenging legal documents I have that say I am the owner of my properties, free and clear. Taxes are a by product of owning that asset. It's much more on you to prove your absurd claim
If you own something free and clear, then you don’t owe money on it. You’re just another government footlocker.
The only fact is that if you don't pay your property taxes they take your property.

If you don't pay your rent, you get evicted.

The fact is you have to pay the government to use, reside in "your" property.

You are effectively renting your property from the government as long as you own it.

You're being obtuse, totally ignorant, or stupid. I'll allow you to choose.
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