>>2628758Anonymous 16 Aug 2018 - 1:02:59 PM
Never have I been so proud to be an Army Soldier! Hooah!
Anonymous 16 Aug 2018 - 5:46:06 PM
Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 4.38.45 PM.png
Let's not forget about the Western Pacific Kindergarten!
Western Pacific Kindergarten 西太平洋幼稚園![]()
>>2633643New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 16 Aug 2018 - 6:08:07 PM
LD-1 Disclosure Form
Re: Upcoming Events - WikiLeaks
Nothing to see here.
>>2633829Anonymous 16 Aug 2018 - 6:16:38 PM
Four planes have made emergency landings in Chile, Peru and Argentina
No details yet
Ricky D4 days ago (edited)
I looked John Podesta in the eye at the RFK memorial last June at Arlington, he walked right by me. I should have punched him, but I was with my family. He's super frail looking also, like he's low on walnut sauce or has HIV from eating babies from the third world.
Anonymous ID: 9205a4 No.2634140
Aug 16 2018 17:35:30 (EST) Q Kauders.JPG![]()
ha !!! was a notable - Anons are on fire !!!!
Re: Upcoming Events - WikiLeaks
>>2634794Anonymous 16 Aug 2018 - 7:10:20 PM
BBC's hit piece on Q. 3min 55 sec
Tony Rodrigues
Mk Ultra, satanic & alien sex slave Tony Rodrigues was abducted by aliens as a child which led to participation in the secret space programs. First, as a precog in Peru, he was used as a psychic resource for drug couriers. Later he was taken as a child sex slave and for “the elites” in Washington state to satisfy desires in a way that’s reminiscent of pizza gate. When he turned 16 he was sent to Mars for training for space operations. He was reassigned as a slave worker on a dark fleet merchant ship. There Tony was used as slave labor for several secret space programs, one of which was German-run program known as the Dark Fleet, which was originally built in Antarctica.
Rodrigues stayed a month at the Mars military base, where he fought alongside the super soldiers as a “slave soldier” in a failed military program. After his slave soldier program ended, he spent a month or so completing aptitude testing on the Mars corporate colony base called Aries Prime. Gray extraterrestrials identified his innate abilities which would determine the kind of future space missions he would perform. After the completion of his aptitude testing, Tony was sent to the planetoid Ceres through an advanced portal shuttle system from Mars. From 1990 to 2001, he served as a crew member of a merchant spacecraft led by German officers that were part of the Dark Fleet.
During his 20 and back program, Tony served in a secret corporate base on Mars, a base on the Asteroid Belt planetoid Ceres and served on the Dark Fleet Merchant Spacecraft called the Max Von Laue. Tony spent time on a German-speaking “Dark Fleet” merchant’s vessel called the Max Von Laue which performed interplanetary and interstellar trade missions. One of his missions was one involved a nuclear attack on a Mayan colony located in the Pleiades star system.
New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 16 Aug 2018 - 4:08:05 PM
Man of God?
See something.
Say something.
PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.
New arrival.22 points · 23 minutes ago
New arrival.5 points · 15 minutes ago
New arrival.24 points · 40 minutes ago
Omg. The baby knew
level 2
Expand your thinking. - Q5 points · 20 minutes ago
you could tell by his general handling of the baby. you could sense the violence. bloodlust
New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 16 Aug 2018 - 8:32:11 PM
Timelines change.
Watch the budget.