New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI9 Mar 2019 - 6:12:57 PM
Nellie Ohr > C_A?
There are others within the FBI/DOJ linked to the C_A.
What access does a House member have?
What access does a House Committee member have?
[Brennan] spy campaign > US SENATE
What happens when the C_A targets
[spy insertion] the Executive, House, Senate, DOJ, FBI, State, etc branches of the UNITED STATES GOV?
How many so-called 'former' C_A agents ran for House elections in 2018?
What party?
What happens when the C_A targets
[spy + tech insertion] of GOOG, FB
[LifeLog], Twitter, etc etc?
Mark Zuckerberg's conference room has a secret 'panic chute,' report says
What happens when people wake up to the fact that FB is a cover for LifeLog
What happens when people discover all RT data
[inputs + listening/camera/GPS meta] is being harvested and made accessible to Langley?
Charter of the NSA? DOMESTIC + FOREIGN?
Why is the C_A conducting an active umbrella collection campaign
[stringer tangents to 9] against all US citizens through LifeLog
[FB] absorb/tan targeting?
Bypass data encryption on phone/tablet etc?
Primary focus on elected officials?
Primary focus on elected officials in key sub committees?
Can activation occur of 'recording' local on device pre SCIF entry?
No logs.
No keys.
Ghost in-Ghost out.
People only engage security (+ escape vehicles) when they have something very serious to FEAR.
What is that FEAR for MZ?