Qanon -The Storm

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0a3163 No.11130507
Oct 18 2020 00:01:04 (EST) NEW
Those who provided Hunter w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the pictures?
If large sums of money are being paid by foreign [state] actors [to protected [in powerful positions] US pols] would they want assurances the deal will be kept?
Bribes & blackmail.
Dark secrets.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0a3163 No.11130733
Oct 18 2020 00:12:32 (EST) NEW
How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?
Why would H. Biden have such material on his laptop?
How was the content *originally* received?
Why would H. Biden risk turning over such material to a computer repair shop? [contents unrestricted?]
On purpose [years of being treated poorly by 'Pop'] or simple negligence?
If such information existed on laptop why wouldn't contents be claimed?
Several attempts made to contact to claim?
Messages left?
Why wouldn't H. Biden want to reclaim *knowing* the contents on the drive could bury *Pops* & family.
A troubled life?
A troubled family?
Looks can be deceiving.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1ed8d2 No.11136305
Oct 18 2020 10:46:32 (EST) NEW
Court reinstates fraud conviction for Hunter Biden business partner
1. Unanimous convicted by Jury
2. Overturn of conviction by Judge Ronnie Abrams of the Southern District of New York [attempt to free _provide 'shade' H. Biden?]
3. Federal Appeals Court reinstates conviction
Background Judge Ronnie Abrams?
Judge Wed to Mueller Team Member Steps Away From Trump Suits
Married to Greg Andres?
Who is Greg Andres?
Exclusive: Former Justice Department official joins Mueller team
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2d6c51 No.11137296
Oct 18 2020 11:45:38 (EST) NEWEVnTQlLXYAAxQRk.jpg
Now that you know how Judge Ronnie Abrams and Greg Andres are connected ……
Who is Dan Abrams?
Dan Abrams - Wikipedia
Brother of Judge Ronnie Abrams?
Chief Legal Affairs anchor for ABC News and is the host of The Dan Abrams Show: Where Politics Meets The Law?
@ajvol01 @marcusluvsvols @NurseGoodVol @Orangeslice13

Hey, I can be a cynic when it comes to a lot of things, but this is very revealing and spooky right here. Don't watch the entire video, just go to the 27:00 mark and watch about 40 seconds of Puffy's response. If they say the eyes are the windows to the soul, then this guy just tried to close the blinds. And not only that, he spent the entire time in this interview running his mouth smoothly... but he lost his words at this point.

WTF is going on right now?

@ajvol01 @marcusluvsvols @NurseGoodVol @Orangeslice13

Hey, I can be a cynic when it comes to a lot of things, but this is very revealing and spooky right here. Don't watch the entire video, just go to the 27:00 mark and watch about 40 seconds of Puffy's response. If they say the eyes are the windows to the soul, then this guy just tried to close the blinds. And not only that, he spent the entire time in this interview running his mouth smoothly... but he lost his words at this point.

WTF is going on right now?

Very surreal.

He even tried to cover his eyes with his hand
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If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Puffy on the Epstein flight log?
Not sure about flight log, but photographed with underage Rachel Chandler (one of Epstein’s alleged child handlers)

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@ajvol01 @marcusluvsvols @NurseGoodVol @Orangeslice13

Hey, I can be a cynic when it comes to a lot of things, but this is very revealing and spooky right here. Don't watch the entire video, just go to the 27:00 mark and watch about 40 seconds of Puffy's response. If they say the eyes are the windows to the soul, then this guy just tried to close the blinds. And not only that, he spent the entire time in this interview running his mouth smoothly... but he lost his words at this point.

WTF is going on right now?

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That is some pretty bad body language.

Listen, a lot of this QAnon stuff and conspiracy stuff I will admit is entertaining because I haven't seen any results or perp walks. But boy, that video clip was very interesting. Hands over the eyes and stumbling for his words....and of course, saying that God has a use for Trump... Wild stuff.
That is some pretty bad body language.

Listen, a lot of this QAnon stuff and conspiracy stuff I will admit is entertaining because I haven't seen any results or perp walks. But boy, that video clip was very interesting. Hands over the eyes and stumbling for his words....and of course, saying that God has a use for Trump... Wild stuff.
There are people who I might think could speak for G-d. Didly isn’t one of them. He wasn’t saying his opinion either. This was an announcement like he’s a prophet of G-d.
Agreed. Weird stuff.

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