lol. I can tell your butt is really sore. You have no idea what you are talking about. I stand for Freedom and Limited Government. And for your little pea sized brain, here is a fact or two.
NAZIs, Communists, and Fascists all allied together as the AXIS Alliance under Hitler against us the Allies. So yes, you are all the same to me. You all want total control and less freedom for everyone. You do not stand for the Flag or for Freedom of Speech unless you agree with it. Instead you side with Groups like Antifa that prefer to defecate on Police Cars and Break out Store Front Windows and Burn down towns. You sir are the problem. Not us.
We support Freedom, Capitalism, Limited Government, The Right to Bear Arms to defend ourselves from nuts like you/Antifa.
You don't know what you stand for lol. You don't stand for freedom unless they're white, christian, heterosexual, and a citizen of the United States. You're the quintessential example of "got mine, **** YOU". As for limited government... lol. Welcome to systems architecture 101, rube edition.
Thanks for proving my point by the way. Remember what I typed:
You project your own flawed dispositions onto others: indoctrination, lack of self-awareness, lack of education, lack of knowledge, twisting facts to fit a conclusion and calling it truth
Your cute little history lesson took some basic facts and twisted them together, then you called me a nazi communist fascist or something, as if you just proved P=NP. First of all, all Nazi's are fascists, and fascists are not communists, and I'm not either of those. This is pretty basic stuff that shouldn't have to be explained to a grown man.
You don't even know what my own ideas are because you had to generalize them and create a narrative to support a conclusion about me that you think exists. I'm also not the one trying to silence the media (regardless of how **** they are, we need them, and we need them to better than they are), destroy science in government, or destroy other institutions of government for the sake of a flawed concept such as "limited government" from people who haven't the slightest care or idea of anything other than maximizing their own profit margins. Your own ideas are closer to fascism than mine.
I just want people like you to return back to reality. Q-anon is not reality. Hillary has done some evil ****, but she is not a bigger boogie man than Trump. He is literally destroying our government by removing ALL regulations, both good and bad, and removing scientists and thus scientific understanding. We are stagnating while the rest of the world moves forward. I saw Obama criticized to no end for similar things, but you're clapping and applauding because Trump has an R next to his name and you think LIMITED GOVERNMENTATION WORKZ. Yeah, it is a corrupt **** show in DC, and it is a inefficient wreck, but destroying it is not the solution.
We got a live one boys
Luther with a vocabulary, fresh from university indoctrination as a moonbat, hurling insults and claiming the textbook leftist imaginary intellectual high ground. Kicked the door in to the PF, screaming like a scorned woman from the first breath.
Never seen this before. Except for the last 10 just like him. Love the liberal sass that screams "fresh out of college". 20 years from now he will either be a conservative, or homeless.
Marcus this is straight up bullying. I don't recall saying a single bad word to you ever. Not very christ-like, is it? Definitely don't remember belittling your education. I do remember you throwing plenty of hissy fits on here talking about how tough you are and who you were going to beat up lol. At one point, you went into an irrational rage about transgenders in bathrooms. Something about being afraid you might like it too much, or was it about rape? I can't recall.
What really upsets me about your post is that I know you're into physics and astronomy, but here you are backing up your tribe, going off on the only guy defending the sciences in a conspiracy theory thread. But I guess science is indoctrination and conspiracies are truth now. I would tell you that your sentiments about older people turning conservative has been shown to be false in a study, but I bet you think studies are just indoctrination unless they come from the local bible college or a conservative think tank lol.
Got a little 114 in him, IMO.
Can we just skip the speculation and have you guys call me volprof #15 already? He's always your go-to boogie man for new posters that challenge the double dozen circle jerk in here.