Sessions is thus far a failure as AG and was one of Trumps biggest mistakes as far as personnel goes. He doesn't act like the man in charge at the DOJ.
That's why I asked if you had read the Q posts.
Several times Q has stated "you are watching a movie".
I take this to mean that many important events have already occurred unbeknownst to the public.
Ever wonder why Trump is all bark and no bite with Sessions? He has publicly chastised him repeatedly, but no serious mention of him being fired.
Compared to Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch I'll take Sessions for 6-1/2 more years.
If Q is legitimate the public disclosure will happen before the mid-term elections.
The mainstream media distracts from the important issues and pushes wall-to-wall coverage of emotional stories like Stormy Daniels, Parkland HS shooting, Border patrol separating illegal immigrant kids from the adults they were with when taken into custody.
Add the 1-1/2 year Russian collusion farce and I struggle to remember what important stories the mainstream media actually reported on since Trump's inauguration.
It's pathetic and sad that most in the MSM seem to want us to fail in negotiating peace deal with NK only because it would help Trump. It's disgusting when you digest how warped that is - that view is literally leftist propaganda.
Why is Fox the only network covering Spygate? Why do the MSM networks take a sympathetic view of Rod Rosenstein? All news seems blatantly partisan and biased. Zero fair coverage of truth and facts.