QB's According to NYCVOL

Scroggins and Mason are my top two picks. I think they will develop into the elite QB's of the future.

I think getting Montana would be a circus and would deter other top QB's from committing. And I don't think he is elite. He is good, but not great.
When scouting qbs you have to take alot into account though. Mainly what types of defenses they go up against and their receivers average YAC. Take Jimmy Clausen for instance he looked like a super star, however, he was on a Cali team that had like 7 Reggie Bushs on it. It's really easy to play pitch and catch when your receivers consistently bust 50 yard gains off 7 yard passes. Crompton looked great in high school too and we see how that worked out. I have confidence Kiffin will go out and get the right guy whether he be a 5 star or a 3 star.
Scroggins has the best mechanics of any QB on the board, save Heaps, and a much higher ceiling than him. He is a little inconsistent, but he plays against the best competition in Cali. He also has strong ties to Tennessee.
I haven't seen any video on him yet, but it's hard to get excited about a guy who holds offers from Georgia Southern and Iowa...looks like a backup at best.

You mean sort of like an OL that only held offers from Gardner Webb and Ch. Southern when UT discovered him but then went on to be a 4 star? (And a guy that the new staff called the best OL they looked at)

I honestly don't know a dog gone thing about any of these kids... except that who they have offers from and how many stars they have in April before their Sr season means just next to nothing.

UT went out a purposefully hired what is probably the best recruiting/talent evaluation staff in the country. If they can get 1 or 2 of their top 5 then I'll be very satisfied.
I'm no recruiting expert nor a quarterback guru, but when I look at a guy I think, "does this dude's style remind me of someone you might see playing in the nfl". Mason passes that test. Check out the 2nd pass in this clip where he makes his read then drops a pass over the middle linebacker for a TD. This guy know how to play QB
YouTube - Hutson Mason 4

Very nice video. Good arm strength and touch.
I think getting Montana would be a circus and would deter other top QB's from committing. And I don't think he is elite. He is good, but not great.

How do you figure? That Manning kid a few years back turned out not to be a circus. And he didn't deter another highly rated QB from coming in with him.
I like Scroggins and Mason at this point and time. I would like to see more game video of Montana this coming year also.
You mean sort of like an OL that only held offers from Gardner Webb and Ch. Southern when UT discovered him but then went on to be a 4 star? .

QBs are typically looked at much earlier...all i was saying was that it worries me that his offers are georgia southern and iowa...

and the fact that he, according to all of you, plays high level HS football in Georgia? Kinda hard to fly under the radar as an Atlanta area QB, no?
and the fact that he, according to all of you, plays high level HS football in Georgia? Kinda hard to fly under the radar as an Atlanta area QB, no?

Playing right outside of Nashville and playing high level HS football in Tennessee didn't help people take notice of Montori Hughes...

The stats, the vid, and the things Mason's doing at the combines have convinced me. They have apparently convinced the staffs of Tennessee, Iowa, Georgia, and NC State too...
QBs are typically looked at much earlier...all i was saying was that it worries me that his offers are georgia southern and iowa...

and the fact that he, according to all of you, plays high level HS football in Georgia? Kinda hard to fly under the radar as an Atlanta area QB, no?

Oh, I understand your point. You have to realize though that the evaluations aren't complete. I don't see any 5* QB's (which there will be) and most of them aren't rated... even those who are very highly recruited.

There's probably something that many want to see on that kid... but my guess is he will not sign with GSU or Iowa.
Two comments guys:
1. Look at Chad Pennington---he didn't play at a top Div 1 program but the Jets got a lot of mileage out of him.

2. Don't count this staff out in April. Look what they did this year pulling a #8 class out of their hat. They won't accept no and will be competing until the final day of signing period.
Two comments guys:
1. Look at Chad Pennington---he didn't play at a top Div 1 program but the Jets got a lot of mileage out of him.

2. Don't count this staff out in April. Look what they did this year pulling a #8 class out of their hat. They won't accept no and will be competing until the final day of signing period.
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I know that QBs are perhaps the earliest kids recruited, so we are perhaps further behind in this area than others - but I wonder if Reaves is going to be a deterrent here...especially in the area of negative recruiting (Spurrier's lapdog who wasn't even really the QB coach, or what have you...). Among the position coaches, this is obviously a weaker position (though on this staff, that doesn't mean a weak position..just weaker than others). What do you think? Will this be an issue?
as the season plays out these recruits hopefully will realize that spurrier is the real reason their QB's aren't performing well...i don't buy that reaves had much if any actual power in that situation
I don't think anyone can necessarily say that Reaves played a large part in USCjr's poor QB play, but he is very much an unproven commodity. I think it would help us out a lot if whoever our starting QB is starts out the season with some noticeable improvement. Hopefully we won't have to wait that long for out QB recruit, though, because by then it might be too late.
Scroggins has the best mechanics of any QB on the board, save Heaps, and a much higher ceiling than him. He is a little inconsistent, but he plays against the best competition in Cali. He also has strong ties to Tennessee.

what do you think UTs chances are that we get him HV ? I really liked the vids i've seen of him
I'm no recruiting expert nor a quarterback guru, but when I look at a guy I think, "does this dude's style remind me of someone you might see playing in the nfl". Mason passes that test. Check out the 2nd pass in this clip where he makes his read then drops a pass over the middle linebacker for a TD. This guy know how to play QB
YouTube - Hutson Mason 4

His "Happy Feet" remind me of Peyton, not the best quality to take after... but it worked for the big guy.

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