I believe some people are born attracted to the same sex while most are born attracted to the opposite sex. But for both hetero- and homosexuals, a choice is inevitably made whether to act upon your urges and desires. My vote was for born that way because I do believe they are born attracted to the same sex. But I also believe they choose to act on their urges. I don't believe they are wrong making that decision, but I point it out because I believe in personal responsibility.
I could beat the war drum, but I've made my feelings supporting gay rights known in other threads. My question to those who think it is nothing more than choice is why? Why would anyone choose to open themselves up to the bigotry that comes with being homosexual? I'm not accusing anyone here of being a bigot, but watch or read the news and you will see they are targets for people who disagree with their lifestyle. Who would choose to walk that road?