I will absolutely discredit him. His statements are inconsistent, violent, radical, and he defends them with more than a handful of personal anecdotes, thus bringing his credibility into the discussion.
The logic courses at both Cambridge and Oxford would disagree with your position that ad hominem attacks and questions of credibility show weak mindedness. Thanks for the pointers, though.
The only logical thing to conclude from purposeful ad
hominem attacks is that one has run out of logical
rebuttal of the ideas that have been presented.
Politically speaking that tactic is can be associated
closely with the writings of Saul Alinski.
Not only that it violates the spirit of the rules
of this board.
Perhaps you should read them sometime.
Hey, it's possible, but I don't think kids smart enough to be in school at places like Harvard are going to be easily led into specific political alignments. I can't be sure, however.
Besides, what does a liberal bias have to do with the well established methods of argument and reason, anyway? Stuff's old as the ancient Greeks.
When Socrates was convicted on false testimony,
which he said was so well presented that he would
have believed it himself if he didn't know better, do
you think then that the court decision was reasonable??
Of the Greek philosophers, imo Socrates was one of
the best and most reasonable and logical, I just differed
with him when he drank the hemlock, I would have told
the liars to shove it up their old kazoo and went to live
in Sparta or one of the other cities that offered to
accept him with open arms.
Last line of defense for Lion Hunters on the African Continent.
True Stalwarts when pushed.
You know what they say about Airdales, they can do
anything any other dog can do and then whip his butt
when finished.
I think the thing that pisses me off the most is that he posts pictures of the POTUS with flies on his face, which is obviously the most racist thing ever posted on this board and no one gives a ****. I'd love to discredit him, but I'll leave that to TRUT and gs himself posting about his friends staying with him after a stay in Leavenworth. Sounds like he hangs with some pretty shady and traitorous characters.
So what is racist about flies on his face???
You know what stinks, nothing to do with the color of it.
This all started over the vitriol spewed at Col Alan West.
I didn't notice you saying unreal was being racist.
As for the guy who served time in Leavenworth, he was
set up, his brother was very active during the political
turmoil of the sixties, his picture once appeared on the
front page of the Commercial Appeal, taken as he was
speaking before a rally of thousands, a very intelligent
guy with a gift for oratory.
Congress had just passed a law against sawed off
shotguns with barrels less than 18" and the guy who
was convicted was in the local watering hole and a guy
came in (who turned out to be an informant) who owed
him $20 and offered to give him a gun in payment.
So my friend took the gun, saying; "I didn't really have
any use for it but I knew the guy was never going to
pay me anyway, so I took it."
So about thirty minutes after he got home that night,
the ATF busted in with a warrant and a swat team and
he was quickly railroaded into federal prison.
His brother said: "I took that as a signal that I had
better shut up," and he didn't make any more speeches.
It was purely a political event, very closely related to
the soldiers unreal insists on vilifying.
I saw a sawed off shotgun produced in court one day
and the owner had his case dismissed, they just
confiscated the gun and told him it was against the
law to have that kind of weapon.