You're confusing me with somebody else. "YOU" or me in this person would not belly ache over not signing any more 5 or 4 star players. I think we need to sign 27 or whatever it is players who will enroll and stay here for four years. The best we can get because we don't have enough players to practice even. But, yes, I am a star gazer. Why the hell else look at this site or rivals or scout? We'll sign 25-27 players. You just want to look at the position? Do you watch the videos and break 'em down or something? Do you have a chart with their 40 times and their shuttle time or something like that? If you do and you can rate 25,000 players on your own time each year, more power to you. I don't. I look at the stars and hope we get the ones with more stars. If we don't, I hope we get good football players who will win games and represent. That's about it. OH, i like the ones with personality too like DA.