Are you evading or do you really not understand the problems evolution have here?
Not evading at all, asking you to clarify so I can address. Evading would be asking if I were evading...
sjt said:
In the second answer for instance you blew right by the fact that natural selection does not favor organisms carrying useless "baggage". All of the things necessary for sexual reproduction would have had to converge in such a way that no necessary component was disfavored by selection before this very, very complex system was complete.
Huh? Natural selection has no say so whatsoever in "baggage." How do you arrive at the conclusion that it does? Natural selection does not "trim" the "fat" of the organism, it responds to phenotype based on genotype. It has nothing to do with removing "baggage."
Also, there are numerous plants that can self-pollinate or cross-pollinate. There are polyps that are capable of both sexual and a-sexual reproduction, by the same organism.
There are numerous examples of cases where "useful" was not selected for, and cases where "useful" was selected for. Natural selection very often does discount the "useful."
I'd be interested in seeing what makes you believe the contrary.
sjt18 said:
The finch is a HORRIBLE example for evolution. It is VERY much supportive of what I have said. The original finch population had the genetic information for both beak types... just like the basic "dog" has the information for a very small or large dog... long ears or spiked ones. The population was divided and selection favored beak types due to the available food. Eventually mutation or deletion is reinforced through inbreeding to the point where the two populations no longer have the genetic ability to produce the other type of beak.
Again, huh? Evolution is populations changing over time. The population dynamic of the finch changed... over time. The overall ratio of small to large beaks decreased or increased based on selection criteria. Simple as that.
Again, a deletion is a type of mutation. And in this case, don't even think it applies.
In order for your point to be valid, you would have to believe that each individual finch has the ability to make ALL of the various beak types at any point in its life. How many of the birds changed from a small to large beak during their lifetime? ZERO
This means that no, each individual DID NOT have the full complement of DNA necessary to create all the various beak types.
Again, this is pure Sarfati, so I'll try to restrain myself, but the "variation" is not "inherent" in each individual. A small beak bird can't wake up Tuesday and decide to have a larger beak.
Furthermore, at what point in the embryological period do you perceive that the bird turned off the gene for "big beak" and turned on the gene for "small beak?" Did it just glance over one and pick the other? No, it did not.
So, each individual bird did not carry the "normal" variation. They were, in fact, restricted to the available genetic code they were given. That it takes minor changes in the overall to affect a change in beak size does not mean that each individual bird has all the complement necessary for
any beak size.
sjt18 said:
Possibly because they are programmed that way. It is pretty much universal that mammal mothers reject offspring and often eat them when they are abnormal.
This is not exactly true. Many mammal mothers will eat abnormal offspring if the abnormality is noticeable. In most cases, I would wager that mothers euthanize their children based on food sources far more often than "abnormality."
In addition, abnormalities do not always result from mutation, and phenotypically, the mutated individual may be as normal in appearance as any other based on the "naked eye."
But the naked eye does not see small variation in phenotype that natural selection does indeed see.
sjt18 said:
No. It doesn't and this distinction is very important. Natural selection is the process by which genetic expressions within a population derived from the possibilities within the genome are favored or disfavored for survival. The information is already there. New information does not arise simply because the environment changes.
No. No. No. Again, and no. Natural selection does not say anything about survival. Natural selection does not ensure that anything survives. Quite the opposite, as I have pointed out with soon to be extinctions.
That the cheetah has evolved, through natural selection, the ability to run extremely fast does not ensure that the cheetah will SURVIVE. It merely means that the cheetah that does survive will have higher probability to reproduce and thus will have a higher fitness. It does not mean that cheetah will survive, simply that the odds that its genetic information will, will be greater.
Furthermore, natural selection does indeed cause populations to change. Would you like me to break out a Hardy-Weinberg for you?
New information AVAILABLE does indeed arise. If you die... you lose the ability to reproduce and your genetic code dies with you. Your genes, contributing to the gene pool, are gone. You have limited the available information. Over time, this means that the population will move further and further away from the original population that contained your genetic information.
Thusly, the population has changed. The information for YOU was not already there, and is now no longer there.
And, to belabor the point, the environment does indeed change the available genetic information. Pollutants, toxins, pathogens, carcinogens, yada yada. These all have affect on DNA and thusly on the individual, and thusly on the population via altering the gene pool.
sjt18 said:
According to the creation model, natural selection would result in many and increasing extinctions as genomes lose their genetic variability due to accumulating mutations and deletions.
There are multiple real world problems with this simplistic explanation. It sounds convincing in a classroom or book... but doesn't work quite like that in nature.
What? I ask, seriously, because ... HUH? Are you saying that there haven't been numerous extinctions? I just... what are you saying here?
sjt18 said:
As mentioned before, detrimental mutations outnumber beneficial mutations by a factor of at least 1000:1. Worse yet, the expression of the beneficial mutation will almost always be inextricably linked to harmful mutations.
Again... huh? Yes, mutations are often bad for the individual. Why do you think that it often takes so long for speciation (though not always) to occur? It takes so long because the right combination has to happen. That takes time for obvious reasons.
As to expression of "beneficial" mutation: Huh?
sjt18 said:
I think sickle cell anemia was brought up. The mutation apparently denies an entry point to malaria. That is obviously something that could be favored in sub-saharan Africa. But the associated health problems with it are numerous. A short term benefit of survival actually hurts the carrier of the mutation's fitness on the whole.
Again, huh? Those with sickle cell die from the disease. Those without sickle cell die from malaria. Those who are heterozygous usually live long and healthy lives.
The mutation does not hurt the carrier's fitness. In fact, at one point, it improved fitness, as the individuals weren't DYING from malaria, and were able to reproduce and pass down their genes to future populations more so than those that were DYING from malaria.
sjt18 said:
True. And this fact is very bad news for evolution. Most mutations do not express themselves in a noticeable way as soon as they arise. Again, the overwhelming majority of mutations are detrimental. That means they won't be selected. Throughout all genomes, we have a progressive accumulation of "bad" mutations and deletions. Natural selection cannot protect from these since by the time there is an expression to be disfavored, the mutations are so widely spread that they get reproduced anyway.
I'm going to shift gears here... que? I hate to say this, but you are beginning to sound like my girlfriend when we talk football. She often says we scored a touch down and then kicked a field goal... so I'm thinking we're up 10-0. Come back and see the scoreboard read 7.
And I go, ah. She is using a lot of the right terminology, but not in the right sequence and with the meaning she thinks it has. Bless her heart, but she does try.
A detrimental mutation can still be selected for, as is the case of sickle cell. It detrimental to the individual, but still selected for because it offered an advantage over those who were dying from malaria.
sjt18 said:
And these changes do not nor have they ever demonstrated the ability to expand the limits of adaptability. It is fixed and shrinking with the accumulation of mutations in the existing genomes. Dog breeding is a good case study. You can push the genes to a certain point one way or the other... but there is a limit that cannot be crossed.
Huh? Adaptability has nothing to do with natural selection. When breading dogs, you aren't breading mutation. You breading EXISTING genes that AT ONE POINT in TIME were MUTATED.
You don't bread a Rot and a mut and hope you are getting mutation. The mutation is what led to the Rot and the mut. You are breading the PRODUCT of the FORMER mutation.
sjt18 said:
The things evolutionists count on to produce new information and to push the species up to higher levels... simply don't do it. They do the opposite. Those processes are driving ALL life toward extinction.
Yes. As I've said, extinction is always the end product. Evolution does not count on "new information" or to move species to "higher" levels.
Evolution is not concerned with that whatsoever. Evolution is the study of populations as they change over time. Whether that change is good, bad or ugly, it does not matter. It is the change that is the subject of the study.
sjt18 said:
Sorry, but no. Macroevolution says the processes we've been discussing will increase the complexity of life and produce both new species and orders of animals.
For evolution to work, successive generations must become effectively "more fit" than their ancestors. The direct evidence says just the opposite is happening.
Evolution is populations changing over time, period. Macroevolution does not say that complexity of life will increase. Macroevolution is study on or above the level of the species. A specie can go extinct over a long period of geological time... and that would still be macroevolution. The complexity of that specie is now ZERO, a pretty strong indicator that the complexity has decreased...
sjt18 said:
My son will inherit roughly 100 mutations from my wife and me that none of his grandparents had. Most will not express themselves singularly in a way that is noticeable or has any effect on his ability to reproduce or find a mate. He is more fit than someone with Downs... however that does not mean the mutations he inherited aren't leading toward a "less fit" progeny.
Actually, yea they might. Humans aren't great examples, but yes... your son might have reduced fitness compared to, we'll say, a dude I know that has 9 children from 5 different women.
Now, your son might knock out 10 kids, only time will tell, but right now, I'd wager he has every much reduced fitness compared to the social case that was that young man (aged 20).
And given the social environment, those 9 from old boy will probably have higher fitness than your son's progeny, as they too will probably have at least 1 kid apiece by 18.
sjt18 said:
Mutations do create species as we most normally define them. IOW's, "I don't have a process that can be observed or repeated by experiment but do have absolute faith that given enough time new, more complex species will arise from a process that in all observations seems to be headed in the opposite direction". That's what I said to start with.
Mutations do not create species. It is way more complex than that. Mutations can provide the ground work, however. But, mutations are simply mutations until acted upon.
sjt18 said:
It "evolved" by losing genetic variability. In the normal environment quite obviously, the trait was not favored. It was only favored in a uniquely environment where the mutant was selected. The whole population devolved.
How was genetic variability lost? I find that amusing coming from the person who claims that all variation is there, period. If anything, there can never be any
change in variation, because it is all there, right? Isn't that what you said earlier? What happened as you got down here?
In the normal environment, the trait was silent. The whole population did not "devolve" as the insects that DO have the trait are still ABLE to function in the normal environment, right?
So, let's see, simple math should do I suppose:
Insect without mutation:
Can survive in Normal environment
Cannot survive in Abnormal environment
Total environments survivable: 1
Insect with mutation:
Can survive in Normal environment
Can survive in Abnormal environment
Total environments survivable: 2
Now, if memory serves, 2 > 1.... yea,
clearly a "devolution" and a disadvantage for the mutant...
sjt18 said:
Absolutely. Variability comes from the possible expressions in a genome. Mutations and deletions corrupt, turn off, or delete information.
Every single generation since creation has passed mutations to the next generation... Information has been lost, corrupted, or "turned off" in such a way that it cannot express. Again, there is a 1000:1 or worse ratio of bad/good mutations now and no direct evidence that the ratio has ever been reversed.
If you lose information from a genome, it becomes less capable of adapting for selection.
Mutations, first of all, do not always corrupt, turn off or delete information. There are many silent mutations that do nothing... at all.
Every single generation has passed on mutations, but that does not mean there is less variation. In fact, it often results in more variation. This is why our genome is 2% or so different from a house fly.
Variation can be increased or decreased by mutation. Decreased variation tends to move toward homozygousity and thus recessive disorders appearing in higher frequency and thus extinction.
Increased variation is why we have survived to this point. And we can thank mutation for that.