Question for the board regarding Bill Cosby. Is

I don’t think pedophilia is a natural progression from pornography. Seems like a reach

Why is there a huge problem of under age porn online. If people who look at porn don't become desensitized, they would reject under age porn, there would be no market for it.
Why is there a huge problem of under age porn online. If people who look at porn don't become desensitized, they would reject under age porn, there would be no market for it.

Or…maybe…the two are unrelated and pedophiles are created through other means than online pornography? Such as sexual assault or possibly even genetic variation
Or…maybe…the two are unrelated and pedophiles are created through other means than online pornography? Such as sexual assault or possibly even genetic variation

There is plenty of evidence that shows a connection. As for genetic variation, if it's genetics, then we should allow it so we can be consistent with the gay gene too.
There is plenty of evidence that shows a connection. As for genetic variation, if it's genetics, then we should allow it so we can be consistent with the gay gene too.

What evidence do you have?

And genetic doesn’t mean acceptable. There’s likely genetic components at play in all crime
Why is there a huge problem of under age porn online. If people who look at porn don't become desensitized, they would reject under age porn, there would be no market for it.

How do you explain the simple fact that pedophilia is older than pornography, given you seem to reject the idea of any other possible cause for pedophilia?
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Why is there a huge problem of under age porn online. If people who look at porn don't become desensitized, they would reject under age porn, there would be no market for it.

Huge market or market? There is also a market for S & M, rape videos, snuff films, etc. but they aren’t related. The only correlation is many girls in pornography have been victims of sexual abuse and many sexual abuse victims repeat the cycle especially male sexual abuse victims.
IDK...there might be an argument that someone who was already of a pedophilic nature watching a lot of porn (with girls of young though legal age) having that increase the desire to see even younger girls.

I'm still quite dubious that any "normal" guy is going to be watching some boing-chika-bowow and thinking "You know, what this really needs is for those girls to be 12.".
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IDK...there might be an argument that someone who was already of a pedophilic nature watching a lot of porn (with girls of young though legal age) having that increase the desire to see even younger girls.

I'm still quite dubious that any "normal" guy is going to be watching some boing-chika-bowow and thinking "You know, what this really needs is for those girls to be 12.".

Precisely, it’s like saying watching Nightmare on Elm Street will cause you to be a murderer. I have no doubt psychopaths watch horror movies but they aren’t created from normal horror movies. One doesn’t just stumble upon child pornography or extremely violent, dark web filmed violence. You have to want to find it
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How do you explain the simple fact that pedophilia is older than pornography, given you seem to reject the idea of any other possible cause for pedophilia?

I'm not rejecting any other reason. I'm saying that, because porn has been so easy to view now, people who look at it eventually become bored and seek to find new stuff to look at. That's what I'm saying. I do agree that As long as people have had lust in their heart, there has always been pedophilia.
IDK...there might be an argument that someone who was already of a pedophilic nature watching a lot of porn (with girls of young though legal age) having that increase the desire to see even younger girls.

I'm still quite dubious that any "normal" guy is going to be watching some boing-chika-bowow and thinking "You know, what this really needs is for those girls to be 12.".

I agree but it is a progression, if you have tens of millions of people globally looking at, you're going to have people want more. Why do some professionals have multiple kids with multiple women? They obviously were not satisfied with just one woman.
Huge market or market? There is also a market for S & M, rape videos, snuff films, etc. but they aren’t related. The only correlation is many girls in pornography have been victims of sexual abuse and many sexual abuse victims repeat the cycle especially male sexual abuse victims.

Huge market, I do agree there are other fetishes too, my point is some people who watch porn alot continue the need for something new. Not everybody, but enough people do to cause a large black market demand
I agree but it is a progression, if you have tens of millions of people globally looking at, you're going to have people want more. Why do some professionals have multiple kids with multiple women? They obviously were not satisfied with just one woman.

Maybe I didn't make my line of demarcation clear enough. There are, have been and will be pedophiles. This would be true regardless on any level of pornography being present.

What I had posited is there may be instances where high exposure to porn with those already predisposed to pedophilic urges could reach a saturation point where the fetishistic desires are pushed to cross over. The biggest driver of people looking for child porn is people that want to see child porn. If that sounds overly obvious it is but the takeaway is they didn't need "regular" porn to get there...they just needed access to what they wanted in the first place.

And again there's literally no reason to believe (at least by anything I've ever seen vetted) that an otherwise normal person is going to be "converted" to pedophilia by any pornography any more than me (or you) getting the urge to hack up some teens at a camp in the woods from watching Friday the 13th.

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