Ron Paul has said we should go back to the gold standard. The free banking era we went through had a lot of panics, but the depression and latest recession have been under the watch of the fed.
What is the upside of going back to the gold standard and abolishing the fed?
What is the downside?
thanks for any info.
There is some info in other threads on this page.
One thread is "federal reserve to buy $600 billion more Treasury Bonds."
I don't know if Ron Paul has all the answers but he has some very interesting questions, number one, why has the fed never been audited and when are we going to get around to doing that??
Ask yourself this, why is the most prosperous nation in the history of the world also the greatest debtor nation in the history of the world??
The simple answer is that we have allowed a privately owned and operated central banks (60% of which is owned by Europeans and others) to control money supply and credit in our country which fought a war for independence over the cause that we wanted the right to issue our own currency and which is written into our Constitution.
It is true that we passed the Federal Reserve Act authorizing private bankers control of our currency in order to create a stable system in which panics would supposedly never occur again but those bankers who gained such control were also the ones who created the panics on purpose and in the end they did not deliver on their promise and if you recall we had the greatest panic in American history only 16 years after passing the fed res act.
Although they now claim this was an honest mistake on their part one can lay our current financial problems once again right at the door of the central bankers and their policies.
Furthermore their solutions to our financial problems ends up to be a bankruptcy of our nation, indebting us so heavily that there can no hope of paying our debt.
I have been preaching this since the 1960s, what has been devised and implemented is a sophisticated monetary slavery system with our nation as the slave.