Question regarding "into the cheggarboards"

Should Bob's touchdown call be

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Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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You know we are about as pitiful as Bammers. They want the Bear to come back from the dead, and no one can fill his shoes. We are the same, except John Ward isn't dead. Give Bob a flippin break.

John Ward being great has absolutely nothing to do with Kesling sucking.
I think he should be coached on how to say "checkerboard" then give him flexibility with the "s." If we wanted everything garbled, we could hire Lou Holth.
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How about we get a better announcer? I do not like listening to him. I guess I was spoiled with John Ward.
Singular or plural is what OP is asking, I guess.

Grammer Police of Volnation must have a union! :banghead2:

Should Bob's signature touchdown call be into the "cheggarboard" as opposed to "cheggarboards"? I understand this poll may not be on the level of the "woo" or "no woo" but it has bothered me for a while.

We have more pressing and issues to deal with/ discuss than the checkerboards! :biggrin:
The answer is #2 of course. The field has 2 checker boards, one at each end, but you can only score by entering one at a time, thus the player must enter the checker board.
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Technically, a checkerboard consists of 64 alternating shaded or unshaded squares in 8x8 fashion.

His call should really be, "into the alternating orange and white squares!"

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clearly I do not have a much free time as the OP

It was late and I had enjoyed a bourbon while watching the Butch Jones Show. Every touchdown highlight on the show was accompanied with that phrase and it was irritating.
I guess I'm the only person alive who doesn't mind the "into the checkerboards" phrase.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Hey man, I'm with you. Bob really is not all that bad. To anyone who has not ever done any public speaking, played a musical instrument in front of people, etc. then you don't know what it feels like. I don't care if its radio; the pressure is still on to always come up with the right words and say them in an effective manner. There are no "do overs." As far as the plural or singular, when you play the game of checkers, is it on a checkerboard or checkerboards? Of course it is a checkerboard, made up of different colored spaces. Although there are many orange and white blocks or spaces in our beloved end zone, they make up one single board, not several.
I guess I'm the only person alive who doesn't mind the "into the checkerboards" phrase.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I don't mind it. It's his signature phrase, let him have it and say it however he wants. I tried disliking the guy a few years ago, but living in Georgia now I can definitely say I would rather listen to him than the idiots who announce for UGA or Auburn. He's not John Ward, and he never will be, so just accept him for what he is.

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