It was posted on TOS that Dooley said fans hoped after next weeks final recruiting trips by the coaching staff, that Tennessee would be caught up with the rest of the league, but in reality it would take 2 years to get on tract recruiting.......and I assume he is not just talking about replenishing the roster deficits that he inherited.
My question is that Auburn's coach, Gene Chizik, came into a similar situation but appears to be recruiting well (top 5 class last year and on his way to another excellant class, it appears). Plus he came from the Midwest and it hasn't taken him two years to get a recruiting toehold.
My question is that Auburn's coach, Gene Chizik, came into a similar situation but appears to be recruiting well (top 5 class last year and on his way to another excellant class, it appears). Plus he came from the Midwest and it hasn't taken him two years to get a recruiting toehold.