Quote by Rick Clausen



Bandwagon Mod
Staff member
Feb 2, 2005
X-Factor: UT quarterback Rick Clausen is convinced former UT quarterback C.J. Leak can help the Gators' gameplan against Tennessee as a football office assistant at Florida.

"I think C.J. can," Clausen said. "C.J. knows our offense very well and I'm sure he's going to help Florida win as much as he can.

"But no matter what C.J. does, it's a matter of us going out and taking care of our business."

I just can't see him selling out UT, but UF does pay the bills now.
Even if C.J. wanted to help the Gators, I'm not sure he could give them any more information on our offensive scheme than they already have.

I wonder how hard he really worked to learn the playbook, evidenced by him getting beat out by two true freshmen last year, and getting yanked after 4 handoffs and two passing plays turned scrambles against Georgia in 2002.

Besides, it's no mystery as to what UT is going to do offensively. We've run the same basic system since Al Saunders was here back in the 80's. It's not a matter of knowing our tendencies, it's a matter of stopping it.

I wouldn't worry about C.J.

With UT being the first chance for Meyer to solidify his status as the next Gator golden boy, CJ will be spilling all that he knows about the UT offense. However, I don't think CJ will be opening Meyers eyes to any news that is not already known or practiced against UT anyway.

Coaches and assistant coaches leave programs yearly and I would think offensive and defensive schemes and plans would be better proteced against these types of situations.
Originally posted by utvolpj@Jul 29, 2005 8:47 AM
I just can't see him selling out UT, but UF does pay the bills now.

You can't?

This is a fromer QB hopeful that feels that CPF broke a promise to him, whose father publicly waged a media war against the athletic program, who is now on the payroll of a competing program, and whose brother is suiting up against us.

Why else is he on the payroll? They did not hire him onto the coaching staff. They hired him as an hourly employee to do miscillaneous duties. And don't forget, this is the same program that talked a disgruntled TN coach into faxing our playbook to them.

Spurrier and Zook needed our playbook to feel confident against us, and apparently so does Meyer.

We'll just have to field a better team, with a coaching staff who has been there before. Besides, if they truly understood our offense, they would get it. Ourt playbook says this... "We will run on you. Even though you know we are going to do it, we will do it and do it well."
Originally posted by OrangeFrenzy@Jul 29, 2005 9:00 AM
You can't?

This is a fromer QB hopeful that feels that CPF broke a promise to him, whose father publicly waged a media war against the athletic program, who is now on the payroll of a competing program, and whose brother is suiting up against us.

I don't see CJ that way. He could have coasted through his senior year, on scholarship, as the 4th or 5th string QB and no one would have cared. However, he tried to learn new positions so he could contribute to the program. That, to me, is the sign of a true UT athlete. He won't be able to help little bro because he doesn't know the defenses, but I can understand him wanting to be close to family. Plus he may want to be there when Chris makes millions in the NFL ;) . And forget about his dad because CJ took himself out of that whole thing.
How could C. J. help them win when he's way off down there.

He never could help us win while he was right here on the field. I don't see how his being there could possibly help them win.

Anyone with a fridge full of soft drinks, plenty of their favorite chips, and a hard drive full of our game tapes can learn more about our offense than C. J. obviously ever knew.

If his grasp of offensive principles has improved just by getting a job in the office then maybe the Titans should send their whole offensive staff down there to stuff some envelopes. :p
I'm not quite so apt to say he won't "sell us out," PJ. Remember, he's on FLORIDA'S payroll now, and he gets paid to do a job. If he is at all into career advancement, then he is likely to use any tools he has available. Now, the question is, just how many tools did he take with him from UT? And, second, will it matter?

My answer to those question is that he likely will be able to contribute a little as far as insider knowledge of the offense/plays/etc., but I doubt it will matter. Audibles/signals change game-to-game or even more often, and has been stated, our offense isn't really a trick-play gimmick scheme. I don't think we really ever FOOL anybody (except I think I remember a Manning naked bootleg about a century ago, and a fellow Farragut grad Holder ran in a fake FG one time). Rather, we BEAT PEOPLE. Fulmer loves to line it up and duke it out. Up the gut. Down the throat. Pass short and between the seams. Then, when the defense finally crowds the line to stop the nickle-and-dime, go deep once in a while.
Like OldVol said, anybody with a VCR and a little bit of time can see just about everything there is to know about any team. The only thing CJ might be able to pass along would maybe be some of the tendnecies of players he played with.

In the end though, it's football, not rocket science. All anybody ever does is try to exploit matchups and go where the defense isn't.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jul 29, 2005 10:19 AM
Audibles/signals change game-to-game or even more often, and has been stated, our offense isn't really a trick-play gimmick scheme.  I don't think we really ever FOOL anybody (except I think I remember a Manning naked bootleg about a century ago, and a fellow Farragut grad Holder ran in a fake FG one time).  Rather, we BEAT PEOPLE.  Fulmer loves to line it up and duke it out.  Up the gut.  Down the throat.  Pass short and between the seams.  Then, when the defense finally crowds the line to stop the nickle-and-dime, go deep once in a while.

Yeah, the holder Jason Price and it was all he talked about for months :wacko: . There was much speculation how he got the job but that's for another post. I realize that out offense is pretty well known but there are many tendencies that may be picked up and passed on. (For instance, on 3rd and 3, RS likes to...) I would just like to think that CJ is above that. Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part and I need to remember that his checks come from UF now.
I think it's interesting that Rick even said that. This isn't a guy who just says stuff to hear his own voice. So there must be some concern about CJ being at UF.
Originally posted by utvolpj@Jul 29, 2005 11:44 AM
I need to remember that his checks come from UF now.

There's your answer . . .

What the heck do you expect CJ to do, tell Urban Meyer "Sorry, I need to take the week of the Tennessee game off"?

.I think the comment was nothing more than Rick Clausen giving a very diplomatic answer and being respectful of a former teammate.
Screw CJ

Notre Dame promised CJ that they would not recruit another quarterback and he gave them his word that he was coming. Notre Dame did not sign another quarterback that year and CJ rejected the Irish at the last minute (signing day) for Wake Forest. It was obvious how much it hurt Notre Dame (boo hoo). Leak barely played his freshman year because he sucks.

"Sure they lost super-recruit C.J. Leak, but they may just be better off."
-Wake Forest Preview

CJ was 30-70 with 2 interceptions at Wake Forest.
CJ was sacked 8 times in a North Carolina game. Offense piled up 162 total yards.
CJ was 10-for-21 for 126 yards. He was intercepted twice and fumbled twice in a loss to Appalachian State.

CJ looked stupid running the UT offense.

"In accordance with NCAA rules, the school can't comment on unsigned players. But the boys' father, and their high school coach confirmed the offer to the younger Leak. Chris Leak will play for the Demon Deacons in four years. If the coach goes, he goes." Don't forget the insurance policy taken out on Chriss. Their dad is a real winner too. He sounds like a conceded A$$hole.

I like Kevin Burnett's quote. "I don't like Chris!"

So the Leak's as a whole sound like a stupid family and Florida can have all of them.

In the end it will go like this
Daddy Leak is and always will be an A$$HOLE
CJ will always suck at football
Chris will never beat Tennessee and will be a washed-up NFL QB.

Screw the Leaks

Blunt, but very well put.

I love how Florida fans used to give Manning so much hell because even though he was a superstar QB with ridiculous numbers, he couldn't beat the Gators. Not once in 4 tries (OK, 1994 shouldn't really count).

I know Chris is 0-2 against UT and still will probably have two more tries, but I hope he goes 0 for 4 in his career against us. Maybe Sports Illustrated will do a claymation cover making fun of him like they did to Peyton. Leak has beaten Georgia, LSU, and Florida State, but not us. One of my buddies who is a Gator fan always wears this damn "Waitin' on Peyton" tee shirt that the Florida students wore when Manning came to Gainesville his senior year in 1997. I wish we could beat Florida in the Swamp this year (for the 3rd time in row, 4/5 years total), then return the favor and welcome Chris to Neyland in 2006.

Irony is a beautiful thing when it's dressed in UT orange . . .
Originally posted by GenNeyland9@Jul 29, 2005 1:20 PM
Blunt, but very well put.

I love how Florida fans used to give Manning so much hell because even though he was a superstar QB with ridiculous numbers, he couldn't beat the Gators.  Not once in 4 tries (OK, 1994 shouldn't really count). 

I know Chris is 0-2 against UT and still will probably have two more tries, but I hope he goes 0 for 4 in his career against us.  Maybe Sports Illustrated will do a claymation cover making fun of him like they did to Peyton.  Leak has beaten Georgia, LSU, and Florida State, but not us.  One of my buddies who is a Gator fan always wears this damn "Waitin' on Peyton" tee shirt that the Florida students wore when Manning came to Gainesville his senior year in 1997.  I wish we could beat Florida in the Swamp this year (for the 3rd time in row, 4/5 years total), then return the favor and welcome Chris to Neyland in 2006.

Irony is a beautiful thing when it's dressed in UT orange . . .

Would that be a "We took a Leak in the Swamp" t-shirt?

Oh God... I sometimes amaze even myself.........

Even if we know what youre going to run, that doesnt mean we'll be able to stop it. I agree that even if CJ does "sell out" UT, it probably wont have that much affect on the game. I wouldnt worry too much about it.
Take it easy on Price and Farragut High School. If I recall, FHS was the sole provider of place kick holders for over a decade. Next to Bill Bates, and Quinton Tarentino - It is our claim to fame.

As for CJ - Him knowing or not knowing the offense/playbook was never the question. His ability, or lack there of, was the deciding factor in him riding the bench. Also, don't kid yourself and think that he switched over to defense to be a true "volunteer" and do whatever he could to help his team. He was trying to salvage whatever stock he had in the NFL to try and catch on somewhere as a free agent.

Since I'm on a roll, I'll go ahead and touch on the Majors thread as well. JM was done dirty. Bottom Line. Unless your caught lying, cheating, or stealing, (and I stress the word caught) nobody deserves the carpet pulled out from under them while they are layed up in a hospital bed. If your argument is that he wasn't getting it done, don't forget that he won back to back SEC Championships a few years earlier. Now I'm not saying that it wasn't time for him to go or that the game hadn't passed him by. Just that he was done wrong.

On to the POS band. That is exactly what they are now in my opinion, a POS. With the exception of some of the pregame stuff, the rest of it is pretty bland and boring. Come on, how many times can one get excited over the stinking circle drill. Again, just my opinion.

Finally, a new softball stadium is still the most ridiculous idea I've heard mentioned in a long time. Good night.
Originally posted by Old School Vol@Jul 29, 2005 2:02 PM
Take it easy on Price and Farragut High School.  If I recall, FHS was the sole provider of place kick holders for over a decade.  Next to Bill Bates, and Quinton Tarentino - It is our claim to fame.

Come on, you know how Benson got his job too, *cough*daddy. ;)
Originally posted by utvolpj@Jul 29, 2005 9:09 AM
I don't see CJ that way.  He could have coasted through his senior year, on scholarship, as the 4th or 5th string QB and no one would have cared.  However, he tried to learn new positions so he could contribute to the program.  That, to me, is the sign of a true UT athlete.  He won't be able to help little bro because he doesn't know the defenses, but I can understand him wanting to be close to family.  Plus he may want to be there when Chris makes millions in the NFL  ;) .  And forget about his dad because CJ took himself out of that whole thing.

CJ never showed any emotion at all when we beat UF last year. He could have stayed at QB and when Ainge went down, he would have been the starter. He was selfish when he tried to play other positions because he was sour about not being able to win the QB job.

Chris will never beat Tennessee and will be a washed-up NFL QB.

Screw the Leaks
How is Chris Leak going to go to the NFL? Buy tickets?
Originally posted by Old School Vol@Jul 29, 2005 2:02 PM
Take it easy on Price and Farragut High School.  If I recall, FHS was the sole provider of place kick holders for over a decade.  Next to Bill Bates, and Quinton Tarentino - It is our claim to fame.

Another FHS grad???? Cool. Any others around here?

And in NO WAY was I dissin' my high school alma mater. When I saw Price run in the pigskin, I went ballistic. Come to think of it, I have NO IDEA why. . . .but then again, I did a lot of stupid things in college.
I bet there are a couple of us around here. Know anything about a pipe bomb or a broken fence? See you in 2013 if not before.
Originally posted by Old School Vol@Aug 1, 2005 3:40 PM
I bet there are a couple of us around here.  Know anything about a pipe bomb or a broken fence?  See you in 2013 if not before.

I was @ Bearden then so I knew plenty about those things. My church was all Farragut people except for my family (Cokesbury UMC). Didn't the fence fall on toga night?
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jul 31, 2005 7:24 PM
Another FHS grad????  Cool.  Any others around here?

FHS grad. :peace2: :rocks:
Chris will never beat Tennessee and will be a washed-up NFL QB.

Screw the Leaks
How is Chris Leak going to go to the NFL? Buy tickets?

If I had to compare Chris Leak to any recent Quarterback I would compare him to Jason White He has basically the same attributes and nobody pickup Jason white in the Draft.

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