I've never understood why people took so much offense to that. Don't you think that people who are paying taxes are thereby supporting the country?
must have forgotten about the coercive nature of the IRS wrt tax remittance. You'd think he'd be all over that since he's down with Joe Sixpack.Read some history - take a look at key drivers of the Revolutionary war. It was about unfair taxation. The patriots fought against such taxation. Linking taxation and patriotism is stretch.
So you are telling me that Barack Obama could not find an adviser? How many Dem's were in the primaries, and yet these people chose Obama why? Where do you get this Jr. politician stuff, what are the standards for a Jr. politician or did you just make that up? How many debates have David Axelrod or Robert Gibb joined in on? Where was Obama's teleprompter last night, thought he couldn't work without it? If not, than McCain must really be an awful debater since most people called it a tie.
Obama won the primaries because Clinton is a very polarizing candidate. It doesn't help her that if she were to be elected it would always be the perception that Bill and Hillary, 2 people being one president, as much as Dems loved him conservatives and repubs hated him. He was very polarizing too. That is a big part of the reason why Hillary lost the primaries.
Obama could fire whoever he wants but he certainly wouldn't do it without having been instructed by the shot callers in the campaign.
A jr politician is simply put a young inexperienced politician. It's not a bad thing in and of itself, just not good to have one running the country IMO.
McCain is not the best of debaters, you are correct.
I've never understood why people took so much offense to that. Don't you think that people who are paying taxes are thereby supporting the country?
Read some history - take a look at key drivers of the Revolutionary war. It was about unfair taxation. The patriots fought against such taxation. Linking taxation and patriotism is stretch.
that's not a conservative mantra. That's an American mantra. Liberals have been touting it hard in protection of lower end jobs.What happened to the conservative mantra that illegal aliens are a problem in part because they do not pay taxes but live off the system?
Powell makes a point that Obama's experience isn't an issue. McCain makes a point that being a Mayor or Governor for a short time isn't important before picking Palin. Those are worth noting.
that's not a conservative mantra. That's an American mantra. Liberals have been touting it hard in protection of lower end jobs.
Nonetheless, that doesn't change the fact that tax payments are forced upon Americans. Patriotic acts are carried out by choice. Nor is anyone arguing that we should pay NO taxes.
No debate on the last one. It is right to abide by the law.I am confused. If taxes are wrong because they are "forced" upon us, and if it is therefore patriotic to fight the requirement to pay them, then why are you also saying that no one is claiming that we should pay "NO taxes"?
No one is saying that paying taxes is wrong. I'm saying it isn't patriotic. Doing things you're legally bound to do isn't patriotic. It's basic citizenship.
And I happen to agree with you, even as someone relaitvely "liberal" that it is all Americans who are denouncing the practice of some illegal aliens coming to the country to obtain benefits but contirbute nothing finanically to the system that provides those benefits. But if that is so, then why isn't recognizing and obeying the obligation to pay taxes a good thing, if not patriotic?
again, patriotic is something someone does by choice to help the cause of our nation. Paying taxes is not a good or bad thing. It's a mandated thing that people do because of potential legal ramifications of doing otherwise.
I think what is going on here is that there is a bit of a knee-jerk reaction to Biden saying this, as though he was saying that taxes are "good" when most people view them as, at best, a necessary evil and, at worst, a complete sham. I don't think he was saying that at all.
Make no mistake about the class warfare in the midst of his commentary. He was very deliberately saying that those wealthy grousing about taxes are essentially unpatriotic.
I think what he was saying is that under the social contract we all abide the system depends on you paying your taxes and so people ought to quit looking for ways to dodge that obligation illegally or unfairly. We can debate how that ought to be done. We can debate what is fair and unfair. We can debate whether we need a major overhaul and simplification.
He was referring to those wealthy complaining about getting hammered by Obama's plan. It had nothing to do with anyone dodging taxes (regardless of your improper use of the word unfairly). He was rallying his troops around the idea of sticking it to the top 5%. It was that simple.
But that it is right under our system to pay the taxes levied is beyond argument.