Rachel Maddow



Wave yo hands in the aiya
Oct 19, 2005
Just wathed her show for a while. She actually makes Olbermann appear centrist. She makes no bones about the huge anti-McCain bias she has and has no offset on the show.

I'm darn near embarrassed for MSNBC. It can't be far from the Air America fate.
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They've gone off the deep end. They are like a sitcom based on a news organization.
I may have to try to watch this channel some time just for laughs....like I used to do with Fox News back in the day...
If k.d. lang and Clay Aiken had a child, it would look like Rachel Maddow.
At least he did not hijack 09/11 by writing an article about how some people are using it for personal purposes. I guess he really would not see what I am getting at there.
That's sick TT! Anyway, here's something I noticed you guys may not have.... she has an Adam's Apple?

Give Chuck Todd his own show!!!
she's a protege of Olbermann too, which precludes any sense of objectivity.
I've flipped through the channels and seen her. She reminds me of that girl in high school you just knew was destined to become a girls softball coach, and teach P.E. somewhere.
I watched one of these girls break the nose of our freshman running back during lunch one day. He pushed her a little too far and before he knew it she had laid him out.

We had one like that in high school too. That was about 15 years ago. The funny thing is, all these years later as I think back, I still ain't sure if she was a she or if she was a he.
I think we all knew that girl in school.

there was a girl that i knew in school. she was a couple of years a head of me. when i was in 4th grade, she was in 6th. she wore this shirt one day and on the back was the word "Hause." At the time i didn't understand why she should would wear the shirt. but looking back i realized that i saw a glimpse of her in the future. because she is one of the butchiest dykes i've ever met.

it's funny because i went to small private school way before homosexuality was pushed in the mainstream.
If k.d. lang and Clay Aiken had a child, it would look like Rachel Maddow.

Graphic description. I've never seen her, but that makes me think that she may be a lesbian and probably doesn't wear lipstick anyways... :no:

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