Rachel Maddow


Rachel Maddow and Her Co-Stars Made 'Verifiably False' Statements About a Doctor They Called the 'Uterus Collector.' Now His $30 Million Lawsuit Is Headed For Trial.​

A federal judge ruled against NBC after top anchors accused doctor of performing 'mass hysterectomies' on women inmates of an immigration facility​

NBCUniversal is headed for trial after a judge ruled in favor of a Georgia doctor who MSNBC’s biggest stars accused of performing "mass hysterectomies" on women at a Trump-era immigration facility in Georgia. The judge ruled that Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace, and Chris Hayes made "verifiably false" statements about the doctor, who is suing NBC for $30 million.

Just wathed her show for a while. She actually makes Olbermann appear centrist. She makes no bones about the huge anti-McCain bias she has and has no offset on the show.

I'm darn near embarrassed for MSNBC. It can't be far from the Air America fate.
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They hated McCain & Romney. Said they were evil and despicable.

The narrative never changes. Only the “right-wing” target.
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