Racism in America is dead....



Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
.... in spite of the left's continuing efforts to revive it.

Allen West won decisively as a TP Republican in a white majority district.

But the most underreported story of this whole election cycle is Tim Scott. Tim Scott - FoxNews.com

Scott just decisively won SC-1. Yes, South Carolina 1... in an absolute landslide. His district is almost 80% white. At 65%, he received the most support of any GOP winner in SC.

Bottom line: conservatives do not hate blacks any more than liberals do. They simply disagree with liberal politics regardless of what color the person spouting them happens to be.
But... but... but...

The Tea Partiers are all ignorant racists. You're not going to change the opinion of anyone who has already chosen to ignore facts in favor of rhetoric and hyperbole.
But... but... but...

The Tea Partiers are all ignorant racists. You're not going to change the opinion of anyone who has already chosen to ignore facts in favor of rhetoric and hyperbole.

by this you must be talking about Lawgator, you're just too diplomatic to name names
republican have never been the racist. we didn't support racism during the civil war, it was the republican who passed the civil right bill. this whole notion that republicans are racist just because they feel no one should get special treatment is just ignorant. sadly though, the dems have done a good job of keeping minorities ignorant thanks to the government school system.
I think all Republicans are racists because that's what Alan Grayson told me. That's all you need to know...
.... in spite of the left's continuing efforts to revive it.

Allen West won decisively as a TP Republican in a white majority district.

But the most underreported story of this whole election cycle is Tim Scott. Tim Scott - FoxNews.com

Scott just decisively won SC-1. Yes, South Carolina 1... in an absolute landslide. His district is almost 80% white. At 65%, he received the most support of any GOP winner in SC.

Bottom line: conservatives do not hate blacks any more than liberals do. They simply disagree with liberal politics regardless of what color the person spouting them happens to be.


In what context is it dead? I still hear the N word far too often. I do agree however, with your last statement

Different subject.....Is the poster JoeVols for real? Or is he some made up character from Cocke County posting for fun?
and you regurally hear the N word in your day to day life?

No, not day-to-day, but I do play in a poker game where a couple of guys use it regularly. Funny thing is, both are more educated than most of the players in the game. Both are extremely conservative too. Just an example of how it's not dead. Also, I had to terminate an employee a couple of years ago for repeatedly referring to a male black co-worker as a "lazy N". It is just a terribly misinformed thread because there are regions in our country where racism still reigns.
No, not day-to-day, but I do play in a poker game where a couple of guys use it regularly. Funny thing is, both are more educated than most of the players in the game. Both are extremely conservative too. Just an example of how it's not dead. Also, I had to terminate an employee a couple of years ago for repeatedly referring to a male black co-worker as a "lazy N". It is just a terribly misinformed thread because there are regions in our country where racism still reigns.

VN is one of them.
No, not day-to-day, but I do play in a poker game where a couple of guys use it regularly. Funny thing is, both are more educated than most of the players in the game. Both are extremely conservative too. Just an example of how it's not dead. Also, I had to terminate an employee a couple of years ago for repeatedly referring to a male black co-worker as a "lazy N". It is just a terribly misinformed thread because there are regions in our country where racism still reigns.

i don't think it's regional, it people's sinful nature. you're gonna have racist everywhere. no matter what state, color or education level.

I'll never forget the day i was on the strip in knoxville and me a buddy were watching the Bulls play in the championship a black guy started talking to use and started telling racial jokes. he kept making jokes about blacks and latinos. I've never so uncomfortable and confused. I couldn't understand the self degregation
No, not day-to-day, but I do play in a poker game where a couple of guys use it regularly. Funny thing is, both are more educated than most of the players in the game. Both are extremely conservative too. Just an example of how it's not dead. Also, I had to terminate an employee a couple of years ago for repeatedly referring to a male black co-worker as a "lazy N". It is just a terribly misinformed thread because there are regions in our country where racism still reigns.

so a couple of guys YOU hang out with are racists and therefore racism is a huge problem in this country. interesting logic.

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