Random, Thoughts, X,XXIV


"He told his students to guess who their guest was, but before they could answer, Lively flashed a photo of Manning on the projector. The entire room gasped. But then he took it off immediately and said he was joking.

"Do you legitimately think they're going to let me have Peyton Manning in my class? Come on guys, let's be serious," Lively said before telling them to guess again. "And then I flashed the photo back up and I was like, 'I'm just kidding. It is, in fact, Peyton Manning. He is coming to our class.'
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My daughter's friend made the comment that I had amazing skin, and asked if I had some kind of skin care regiment. I told ger yeah, that I drank Mt dew, eat Cap'n crunch, and dipped. The look on her face was priceless 🤣🤣
My daughter's friend made the comment that I had amazing skin, and asked if I had some kind of skin care regiment. I told ger yeah, that I drank Mt dew, eat Cap'n crunch, and dipped. The look on her face was priceless 🤣🤣
well she probably had never seen one of yore people in person before
I'm shore she thought leprechauns wasn't reel

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