Left wing media (which is CNN, MSNBC, Huff Post, NYT, etc.) takes the data and twists it to fit the liberal agenda. The far right wing (talk radio, Facebook misinformation, OAN) takes the data and twists it to fit their agenda. The biggest issue is social media misinformation (on both sides, to be fair) being treated as fact over the opinions of doctors and states/counties are distorting numbers to fit a political agenda (happening on both sides). Right now, the social media misinformation has been heavily skewed to the right.
From everything I've seen and read, the vaccine is somewhere in the low 90s% in preventing hospitalizations in the US. What makes the spouse's work gig interesting is you see the numbers not tinted by red politics or blue politics but by another color (cold hard green cash). Funny when cold hard green cash is the motivator the numbers aren't nearly as skewed as when political forces get involved. For example, the State of TN (very red) and Washington State (very blue) got caught with incorrect data a few weeks ago and once they updated their "accidental mistakes", they aligned with the rest of the country. If you turn it on CNN and you see something that says the vaccine is 99.99999% percent effective, they are skewing it just like if you turn it on talk radio and they say it's 30%.