Random, Thoughts, X,XXIV

anyone else remember KFC having ribs ? I actually wish they would start making them again
I don't, but I would definitely home em a try
yes and when frozen or cold food is sitting in say the baking area - ever wonder if its put back in the frozen area after sitting out for who knows how long ?
Some stores throw it away when they find it. Not a bad idea to ask someone at your local grocery what they do with it. Any cold/frozen food found in another cold area should be thrown away, as well, because there's no way to know how long it has been out of the cold case/freezer.
Saw a woman leave an item out of place in a Publix. She grabs a jar of sauce from the shelf and leaves yogurt in its place (yogurt? WTF!?). I spoke to her, "That doesn't belong there." She barked back, "F*** off!" I reasoned, "You could put it back, or just tell the check-out that you decided not to purchase it." She moved away without acknowledging me further. Later, I encountered an employee and reported seeing a customer abandon yogurt in the sauce aisle.
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yes and when frozen or cold food is sitting in say the baking area - ever wonder if its put back in the frozen area after sitting out for who knows how long ?
We were in wal mart last night and saw a deli plate lunch laying on the shelf. Seriously! You have then take the time to make it, then just leave it.

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