I dont think most of the people who posted have watched the film on all of the guys. I think a lot are just looking at ratings or just following the crowd.
To answer your question... I like him.. just like the other guys more. For me when I watched his film, I just didnt feel like he was throwing passes that would be complete in college. The competition looked weak. One of the teams looked like its biggest Dlineman was 185 pounds. Some of the throws were thrown behind the receiver a little, instead of hitting the receivers in stride. Wasnt really impressed with the run game as much as I was the other guys. The reason I didnt put him over Williams was because the stats that Williams put up. Also, he throws a lot of picks... and like I said before, his competition didnt look that great.
This is also a reason why I have Waller lower... because of his stats. He had a 12/7 TD/INT ratio.