Haven't read the post. Personally, not a fan of abortion except potentially of threat to mother, rape, or incest and still not sure then. Morning after pills prevent implantation, doesn't offend me but can offend others obviously.
Doesn't matter. Legally speaking, doctor's obligation (legally and ethically) is to treat the patient (within the law and whatever is legal and allowable within that state) until patient can be provided with a physician of equal stature/competence and give written notice to patient who will generally be given a certain amount of time to find another physician (of same specialty etc) like 30-90 days (depending on state) and the physician should provide a possible referral (good faith effort). This generally applies to outpatient settings (eg doc no longer wishes to treat a patient who refuses to take treatment for his herpes and runs around bragging about all the women he gets with or any scenario in which physican wishes to "fire" patient like repeatedly missing appointments, argumentative with staff, outbursts, etc).
I can understand not wanting to provide a treatment you do not wish to provide based on personal ethics or beliefs but if legal, okay within medical/professional ethics, and you are the only available provider of such services immediately available then th physician is obligated to provide those services until a suitable replacement can be found. You can't refuse care based on race, sex orientation, ability to pay, etc. The only exception should be and is if the patient presents threat of harm to physician, staff etc
Unless this was absolute Podunk nowhere then there would have been either two physicians or more available or an NP or something that would have given it. Most states do not require an Rx for this anyways and can be obtained from a pharmacist.
Doc: I don't feel comfortable providing this or agree with it but I realize these are your wishes and this is legal etc. My buddy doc 2 is down the hall. He'll be available to you in 10 min when he finishes with another patient. If you have any other problems or life threatening events in that time I will take care of them
Patient: Well, that's weird and you smell funny but okay. Let me know when he is ready.
Dumb that this is a problem or newsworthy. If patient an doctor are reasonable people, then they both agree to disagree and she gets her treatment or gets it a few minutes later etc