I grew up in Jackson and then moved to Smyrna, my family has always rooted for the VOLS. I have one uncle that attended UTK. Heres my view on the whole fan thing. The vast majority of VOLS fans are from the Volunteer State. I havent lived in Tennessee for 13 years now, not by choice. I have even meet folks in Germany that were VOLS fans and Im not talking about GIs either. I was downtown Frankfurt one day, with a Big Orange hat on of course, pre 9-11, and a local came up to me and yelled GO VOLS, with his German accent. He went on to tell me he had a neice that was attending UTK and that he loved the VOLS. Also quite a few Germans would see my UT clothes and immediatly give me a thubs up and say "Jack Daniels is uber gute".
I can always assume that if I see someone with a UT shirt or hat that he is from Tennessee. Thats not always true for most other colleges. You can always find some punk wearing some usc, miami or flordia state junk and ask him where hes from and he will say new york or something. I guess its the whole band wagon thing, or some kind of fasion statement.
See I consider myself a true Tennessee fan, not just because I love the VOLS, but also because I am from the Great State of Tennessee.
P.S. Im not saying any of you are not real UT fans.