reasons why butch jones gets "it"

I was wondering this one day. Is there proof (solid/actual I would hope) his predecessors only worked 6 months of the year or the standard 8 hour days with taking their 2x15 min breaks and 30 min lunch w/o fail?? Or is this just typical dumb comment? Just wondering...

Also, whether or not CBJS plan turns out to be successful no one will know until we start hitting the field. Saying he "gets it" and will succeed just b/c he has a plan as if he's the first coach in history to have a one is just childish.
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And the actual truth you seek. Look up Dools and Kiffin's records. Butch wasn't handed a job because of his last name. He earned it because of my aforementioned post.
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I was wondering this one day. Is there proof (solid/actual I would hope) his predecessors only worked 6 months of the year or the standard 8 hour days with taking their 2x15 min breaks and 30 min lunch w/o fail?? Or is this just typical dumb comment? Just wondering...

Also, whether or not CBJS plan turns out to be successful no one will know until we start hitting the field. Saying he "gets it" and will succeed just b/c he has a plan as if he's the first coach in history to have a one is just childish.
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This is my first thread so I wanted it to be kinda fun..

I think its cause butch is half bear the other half cat... as it calls for in our beloved song Rocky Top..

No, check the lyrics of Rockytop. It would be Mrs. Jones who is half bear the other half cat. Butch is a guy. Which explains why he gets it. His progeny is proof of that.
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Positive attitude
Attention to detail
Infectious enthusiasm
Challenges with higher standards and benchmarks
Surrounds himself with talented staffers
Repsects program history
Loves a challenge
Improvises, Overcomes, Adapts!!!
Just Because he gets it, either you got it or you dont and coach is eat up with it like a disease you cant get rid of it no cure.
I was wondering this one day. Is there proof (solid/actual I would hope) his predecessors only worked 6 months of the year or the standard 8 hour days with taking their 2x15 min breaks and 30 min lunch w/o fail?? Or is this just typical dumb comment? Just wondering...

Also, whether or not CBJS plan turns out to be successful no one will know until we start hitting the field. Saying he "gets it" and will succeed just b/c he has a plan as if he's the first coach in history to have a one is just childish.Posted via VolNation Mobile

You obviously don't get it.:lolabove:

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