Receiving Corps

I can flat out read a defense . . . I just lack any of the physical capabilities to do anything about it. :disappointed:
Maybe you should take up Tae Bo! :thumbsup:


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Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Mar 5, 2005 8:52 PM
Looks like the QB's knew where to throw it when everyone else was covered.

Here is what Ainge said about this yesterday.....

"UT’s top three backfield-receiving threats--Cedric Houston, Corey Anderson, and Gerald Riggs--averaged a combined 39.5 yards receiving per game over the four games that Clausen started. The same group averaged 24 yards receiving per game in the first nine contests when Ainge and fellow freshman Brent Schaeffer split snaps at quarterback."

"That’s why they’re on scholarship is to make guys miss," Ainge said of throwing to UT’s running backs. "Watching him (Clausen) do that and make a lot of easy yards just throwing the ball to the running backs is the biggest thing I picked up."

I look for Brett Smith to be the leading receiver next year due to some signs of greatness early in the year. Hannon is fast as greased lightning but needs to improve on his physical play. I think Swain will make a big contribution and Robert Meachem will be a star someday.
I think Robert Meacheam will be a star next year. Just wait and see. He is goung to be a down field pressence just like Price and stallworth were for us.
Originally posted by vols2345@Mar 16, 2005 6:32 PM
I think Robert Meacheam will be a star next year. Just wait and see. He is goung to be a down field pressence just like Price and stallworth were for us.

i totally agree. but we have to let meachum stay in the game and become a star. instead of constant rotation like last year. we tend to do that with our rb's to.
Yeah I have a feeling this team is going to look alot diffrent than last year in the sense that Riggs will be in there full time, Ainge will be in there full time, and if Meacheam steps up he will be in there full time.
Now all that we have to do is learn how to spell Meachem's name right.... :lol:
I have seen meachum meachem meacheum. How about we call him Meach?
Originally posted by vol_freak@Mar 16, 2005 7:53 PM
I have seen meachum meachem meacheum. How about we call him Meach?

Don't forget about Meacheam! B)

Yeah, Meach it is.

Then everyone will posting Meech, Meuch, Miech, get the point.
what up gator hater.

ummm we will not play riggs full time. even though he is our feature back. fulmer will rotate. maybe not as much as last year but he will rotate....history repeats itself and he always does this.
Yes, the Meach shuld stay on the futball fild and shoe the wurld how big uf a star he can be. (where's that darn spell check) :dunno:
However, we all know Fulmer will rotate a whole crew of recievers. At least it will develop depth in the reciever corps by exposing everyone to game situations.
Yep, I have been reading that Josh Briscoe is looking good in practice. Fulmer said he was catching a lot of balls thrown his way or something like that.

Everybody study the spelling......Meachem.... <_<


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I&#39;ll go with Meachem, too. But, I&#39;d look for Swain to continue his role as a playmaker.

Gosh I like this receiving unit.

Oh, and QBVol7, you said: "I see us airing it out this year big time. Too many Air Assault weapons to try and stick to the run." Unless we completely revamp the coaching staff and philosophy of our offense, you&#39;re crazy. At least half of the snaps will go to the back.

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