Why are they all on the heavy side? That makes me really curious about what they're protesting.
1. Fat shaming?
2. Unattainable standards of beauty proliferated by the toxic masculinity of the evil white male over the past 100 years?
3. The hunting of their fellow buffalo to near extinction?
4. The lack of healthy food options at sporting events which has caused their weight problems (also see #' 2 & 3) because society is not sensitive enough to their lack of self control?
5. The horrible treatment of the pigs and cows served in the stadium's food and also how the terms "pig" and "cow" are offensive and hurtful so those animal's names should be changed?
6. Unequal hiring policies of the fitness and sports industries and how the morbidly obese are regularly overly overlooked for jobs as trainer's, fitness models, cheerleaders, dance team members and how the last two professions objectify women anyway so they/them don't want to be those anyway but they/them should have the opportunity to if they/them wanted to and also the term women is an evil word created by the patriarchy and should be changed because it has the word "men" in it?.
So many riduculous possibilities...