The problem is that's exactly what he did in Lexington. He can play an incredible game but he's almost guaranteed a handful of bad mistakes. It cost Kentucky several games.
But have to send him his props, his first game was something else and if the Titans pull this off it's an impressive response to those mistakes
I’d give em twoyou can take the bet that CA if allowed, would go after him on wealth and unrealized capital gains taxes. They are even considering an exit tax. Unreal. Of course he can just give them the finger.
California Legislators Propose 0.4% Wealth Tax, Plus 16.8% Income Tax Rate
California seeks to increase it’s already stratospheric top 13.3% income tax to 16.8%, and the latest new tax the golden state wants to collect is a .4% wealth tax. The “leader” in state taxes already, this would be first-in-the nation wealth tax targeting the very
He had 330 yards... Henry had... Drum roll... 35.Better thank his lucky stars he has Derrick Henry