Recruiting Football Talk VII

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THAT is a great point.

If they think a good OL is what they need then I'm glad to see them making moves. However, would really like to see them go after some big names to increase fan excitement. A big name edge rusher like a Kearse, or big time WR. Need more athleticism.
Sounds like they were re-queened with an Africanized queen. If they have been re-queened that queen will produce all the offspring of the hive and they will all be Africanized. Remedy: Find the queen and kill her. The hive will produce an new queen.
The hive will be hot until the present bees die off ( a couple months). I would move it to a remote location.
Thanks. I'll let him know. That didn't cross my mind. Maybe the beekeeper had the same thought. I wonder how often that happens?
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My FIL long kept several hives at our former house (which he owned) before we got our own place. Great honey! We would help him a little, but mostly two of his close friends worked them with him. We never encountered anything on that scale, and I've never heard of it. We're out of town but I'll ask him when we get back.

Smoke from pine straw generally settles bees down if they get rowdy. He had some handheld tins with sprayer that they would burn pine straw in and use sometimes if they had to go into the boxes. Pine straw may have only been incidental, and any smoke would work. Idk. It smokes easily. Uncanny how the bees would slow and settle

In a bee suit your guy might make some pine straw (or other) small smoky fires around the boxes and see what happened. I mean something more than a small sprayer, if the smoke from a sprayer didn't seem like enough. It couldn't hurt. I've never seen bees rampage. I've seen a few threaten someone standing by accident in their "bee line" or route near the hive as they were gathering from their find and returning to unload in the box.

They get pretty wild when a queen leaves the hive, but as soon as they find where she has landed, they literally swarm her making a giant cluster. And they're easy to handle like that. If you can get a scoop with a net that includes her and drop her into a new box, they will all pour in. It looks like you're a pouring a liquid stream of bees. An amazing thing to see.
Yeah, he says the man has kept hives for years and never seen anything like that happen. He asked me because my dad keeps hives. Neither of us have ever seen anything like that happen.

I've had 4-5 bees get after me a time or two, but they weren't even that aggressive. They'd just buzz around my head until I got a few feet away.

What he's describing is like something out of a horror movie. He says it sounds crazy, but he's not exaggerating. If anything, he's downplaying it a little.

He said the man went to the garage to get away from them, about 100' away. Thousands of them chased him and the split second it took to open the garage door, step inside, then close it, 4-500 bees made it into the garage.

It really does sound like something you'd see in a killer bee horror movie.

I think @rikberry31 could be right. I can't think of any other reason they'd be so violent. It sounds liker bee Armageddon.
I just finished the VQ Podcast. A lot of off topic stuff, no real news to report. They said the longer things go with Awaka the more likely he is gone (Signing Okpara tells me he is likely gone). When asked about UT versus the field for several recruits they responded: David Sanders UT, Jaelyne Matthews UT, Josh Petty, Juan Gaston, Douglas Utu, and Dontrell Glover all lean toward the field. AP said UT may have a slight lead on some of them, but not enough to bet against the field. When asked if Cam Seldon would be back for the Oklahoma game they basically said 50-50 LOL. Said they expect him to be practicing by then, but not sure if he would play.

Jaylen Wright is one of my all-time favorite Vols based on the way he responded to having his winning bowl game touchdown stolen from him as a true freshman. The lying official turned his big first-year highlight into a failure in which he had (allegedly) let down all his teammates and coaches.

I keep a photo on my phone of Jaylen walking off the field that day, absolutely distraught and emotionally devastated, and Mack trying to console him. What Jaylen did next is to work and study until he had turned himself into an absolute beast without losing any of his speed, while perfecting his awareness and technique. Hero status, in my book.
I just finished the VQ Podcast. A lot of off topic stuff, no real news to report. They said the longer things go with Awaka the more likely he is gone (Signing Okpara tells me he is likely gone). When asked about UT versus the field for several recruits they responded: David Sanders UT, Jaelyne Matthews UT, Josh Petty, Juan Gaston, Douglas Utu, and Dontrell Glover all lean toward the field. AP said UT may have a slight lead on some of them, but not enough to bet against the field. When asked if Cam Seldon would be back for the Oklahoma game they basically said 50-50 LOL. Said they expect him to be practicing by then, but not sure if he would play.
He must've took a nice shot on that shoulder. I want to see what he can do in this offense so bad. . . but I'd rather him just get as close to 100% as he can before he's back. Those shoulder injuries can be a pita for RBs.
any of you know anything about honey bees? Man at work says his neighbor has a few hives. He said one of the hives went crazy. If anything gets anywhere near them, they attack. Not just a few bees, but the entire hive attacks. Said his neighbor's dog got attacked and they attacked his neighbor (the beekeeper) while mowing the yard. He explained it like a pissed off yellow jacket attack, but with thousands more honey bees.

He says the guy has had the same hive for a few years and they just suddenly became enraged. He also said it wasn't a one-time attack. They attacked the man and dog one day, then the man again the next day and then again yesterday morning. Apparently the beekeeper is gonna execute the hive.

Any idea why a normally docile hive will flip out like that and attack anything living with 100' of the hive? I kinda wonder if a carpenter bee got into the hive. . . but I dont know if they would even act that way if something like that happened.

I've never really heard of honey bees attacking like killer bees.
Probably alcohol is involved.
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