Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Can you explain what you mean when you say her business got taken for 10k "through FB ads"? How does a business lose $10K through Facebook ads?
Hacked the business account, upped daily spend limits, and purchased ads for shoes in other countries.
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Rajinagandi stole my debit card. . . hacked my email somehow, got into my draft kings, deposited $600, tried to withdrawal it, but got security checked. Ended up having to change passwords and cancel cards all day.
It’s all those random streams you’re using for sporting events. Leaving the door wide open.

Or Sally. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I actually like opera. Used to go pretty often and watched some on blu-ray. I've gotten away from it. Not to say that I didn't laugh at @peaygolf's reply to you. 😂 I'm not terribly musically inclined, but I am always in awe of the power and range of the un-amplified voices. What are you seeing?
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