Recruiting Football Talk VII

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These stupid announcers talked over Amick’s walk up again. How has no one told them to shut up during that? Production value is dog sh*t
What's crazy to me is that you're surprised about it. I mean, the premiere team in the sport, is playing at a time when most people haven't finished sleeping Friday night off yet. I'm not saying anyone in California gives a damn about Vol baseball...but, hell, they're not even giving them a chance at 8 in the morning. So many opportunities over the last few years to grow the sport of college baseball, and they continue to blow it.

All that being said, I totally agree with you. Again, just so many blown opportunities to draw people in. Watching Amick walk to plate, with a wide shot of LN...that's just great television, something that would capture the eye of a casual or someone maybe wanting to get interested in the sport.
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