Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I have a friend who did his doctoral thesis on how intelligent farm animals are. He based his thesis on the fact that he could teach them philosophy. Turns out he was very wrong and he had to start over. Apparently, he learned your can't put Descartes before the horse. You just Kant.
It's a Locke.
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Oh very real. And the reason she is getting made fun of is because the people around her did not prevent her from performing. Sad situation for sure.

Auto-tune-gone-wrong lips in the video thinks something is fake ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯?
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My dad was bragging about his new hearing aid. "State of the Art," he said,
"It cost me a fortune."

I asked: "Awesome what type is it?"

He said: "Two thirty."
I met a guy who was bragging about this special golf ball he had. Claimed it is impossible to lose. I asked where he got it, and he said he found it in the woods.
Oh very real. And the reason she is getting made fun of is because the people around her did not prevent her from performing. Sad situation for sure.

I think you guys are making way way more of this than it is. She is going to rehab because her PR manager is making her. The same as the boxing guy who is going to anger management after being caught using racist language. It's for PR and nothing else. That's what literally every celebrity does when they get caught being a bad human or making bad choices, they go to rehab as an attempt to dodge the social consequences of their bad decisions.

She's a mediocre musical talent who's used social media and flaunting her admittedly nice bod to make a name for herself in an industry where talent isn't all that important. I don't care if she could sing in an a capella group, she's not that great of a singer. The people around her aren't to blame. She is. She's not a victim, she's a social media starlet who's developed bad habits that caused her to embarrass herself. Her bad choices and lifestyle caught up to her. This isn't the first time she's done this, it's the first time it's had consequences she couldn't avoid.
Where the hashbrowns are scattered, covered, and smothered and the waitresses will scatter, cover, and smother the patrons.

A few of those Waffle House ladies would look like supermodels at 3am after a long night of drankin.
Kid looked 180lbs last offseason. If he’s 220, he’s been training with Jon Jones in Arizona

He was bigger than he looked last year. Nimrod has a good sized frame and played around 200-205 last year. 220 in the off-season is definitely achievable and puts him being smaller than Bru, not by a lot though. But can he Nimrod play at that size?

My guess is Nimrod ends up playing closer to 210ish during after fall camp, during the season. Bru is a physically more mature and naturally bigger guy and doesn't lose 10lbs during the season.
Ok, honest opinions from the people who are playing College Football 25. Is it worth buying? I put off paying extra to play early. Trying to decide if it is worth full price or wait until a sale.
they are still working out some bugs but it's very fun and will probably only continue to get more fun
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