Recruiting Football Talk VIII

The bulk of Nashville, where most the Titans fan support comes from don’t care about the Vols. That’s it man.

You are welcome to get pissy at Titans players for talking smack about the Vols though. But it’s not something you can change so why waste the energy?
We are Vols...I don't want to argue about this anymore.

I will never he a fan of the Titans until they change this crap...they won't miss me...but they will miss a whole lot of people like me...and there a LOT of Vols that feel exactly as I do.
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I agree. I don't think anyone complained about DH being a Bamer. Nor do they complain about Jeff Simmons being a Miss State Bulldog, or AJ Brown being a Rebel Land Bear Shark.

But when it comes to Levis suddenly this, "Titans franchise needs to pander more to the homestate team" and now Latham is "human garbage" because he has an anti-Vols quote and again a plead for pandering.

Levis sucks and is NOT the guy. And they never should have drafted him. But not because he went to Kentucky, and that doesn't mean they should've drafted a Vol in that slot either. Also, Latham is going to be a pro for a long time imo.
Levis is just not good. The other guys were good so no noise. When you have a passionate base like ours and the NFL team in the same state actually says crap about the team they love combined with being a Bammer, is just bad PR. Sometimes if you have nothing good to say then say nothing. He can hate UT and I get it. His alma mater is Bama. Just keep your mouth shut. DH never approached the subject in the press. If he was kidding and betting with another player on the team who went to Tennessee in a good nature way, everyone would laugh and have fun with it. Oh, my bad, no Tennessee player to do it with. The last sentence is probably not true. Please do not attack it because I am just having fun.

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