Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I thought Tulane was decent but these guys actually suck.
Okies no joke.

Where does Tulane stand? Came within one play of upsetting Kansas State last week in New Orleans. Will prolly beat Memf and win the American Athletic Conference imo. Getting schooled so far today at Okie. A quality high-mid imo. A fun team a lot of times. (My grad school so I'm biased.)
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Bad calls by the refs 101:
If a call goes against you it's a bad call. If two ot more happen then they are terrible and the league is out to get you.
We can go back and dredge up the video evidence of all the horrid screw jobs against know they were bad as much as I do, so there is no point...

My point is..not all ref beefs are the same....some are legit, and a lot are exactly what you described.

Even Beamer said the calls that their fans are all pissed off about were good SC fans are what they always are...empty chicken heads.
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