Recruiting Football Talk VIII

It's embarrassing that the country that invented the game can't produce someone better...dude is a physical freak for a human being, much more so a Japanese person.

They just don't produce that many big fast strong people...and when they do it is somebody like that? is amazing.
Yeah, our whole country should be embarrassed because the best baseball player at this moment in time is from Japan when 90% of the greatest to play the game came from the US. One moment is too many in a 150 year old sport! If you ain’t first you’re last!

Italy should also be embarrassed that Chef Boyardee is the most prolific Italian chef of all time!

Rome should be embarrassed that more people were entertained by the American Gladiators than the originals!

They invented the sport!!!
If we can’t overcome the loss of one OL, even a very talented one, we aren’t the team we hope we are.
Losing one OLineman can throw your whole blocking system out of can also not matter very much if the backup can do a great job.

This is a big blow if you guys want to admit it or not. It only takes one missed/weak block to blow up a play.

Dayne Davis is a great story...a true VFL...the epitome of a Tennessee Volunteer...but I hope he can handle this.
Who would have guessed a nation of sumo, ninjas and samurai would have used a version of baseball culture that’s basically institutionalized child abuse to produce a guy who is the best in the world at a children’s game for 0.1% of it’s existence (so far). Not me!

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