Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Unfortunately, we know exactly what this means…the zebras will be heavily favoring OK. We will have to beat OK, the environment, and the refs once again.
I've tried my best not to worry about officiating but I can't get past years of getting screwed in the big games by the refs. Especially when a lot of money is on the line.

IF THE FIX IS IN.......when we're on offense it'll be illegal formations, ineligible man down field, holding (especially on big plays), clock issues, and letting OU hit Nico late

On defense.... it'll be lined up in the neutral zone, unsportsmanlike conduct, at least 1 questionable targeting call, late hit on their QB, and uncalled holding and pass interference.

Any reviews will have a poor camera angle and will not go in our favor.

Mini rant incoming:

There's too much $$$ at stake in the big games for it to be called straight up. We've seen it before (think the 2nd half bama last season). I'm really hoping since we're the "hot" team in CFB right now, that things will be different, but Vegas is going to Vegas and the SEC office is still in Birmingham. I just want an evenly officiated ball game tonight and really every time there's a game played. Mistakes happen, but they shouldn't always go against one team. Professional officials need to be hired, trained, paid well, and held accountable.

End rant
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I've tried my best not to worry about officiating but I can't get past years of getting screwed in the big games by the refs. Especially when a lot of money is on the line.

IF THE FIX IS IN.......when we're on offense it'll be illegal formations, ineligible man down field, holding (especially on big plays), clock issues, and letting OU hit Nico late.

On defense.... it'll be lined up in the neutral zone, unsportsmanlike conduct, at least 1 questionable targeting call, late hit on their QB.

Any reviews will have a poor camera angle and will not go in our favor.

There's too much $$$ at stake in the big games for it to be called straight up. We've seen it before (think the 2nd half bama last season). I'm really hoping since we're the "hot" team in CFB right now, that things will be different, but Vegas is going to Vegas and the SEC office is still in Birmingham. I just want an evenly officiated ball game tonight. Mistakes happen, but they shouldn't always go against one team.
Be prepared for getting kicked in the nuts tonight.

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