Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I do suspect
The Pack got wrecked
Vols amazing
Herbstreit praising
Brooks pick sixin'
Heupel fixin'
Dline Feastin'
'Backers Beastin'
Nico pitchin'
Dylan ditchin'
Myles was scorin'
Orange roarin'
Oline gradin'
Dixie maiden
Scoreboard fatter
It don't matter
Touchdown city
Vols by Fiddy
Yes, so Tim banks calls the plays as the defensive coordinator… maybe you don’t understand
Okay great.

1. Play calling is easy when they cannot block your interior line.

2. Backend is easy when they cannot block your interior line.

That's it. That's the whole point. If you want to absolutely insist that it is impossible to grade out units separately like that, and every player and coach on defense must get the same grade and same amount of credit, Banks gets an A+ just like everyone else.
My boys and I just got home from the game. This was their first UT game and it could not have been better. From the flyover of the C17 during the national anthem, to the pick six, to us purely dominating…

My boys told me on the way home this experience was amazing and then passed out asleep.

Seen some say “Well if not for Brooks Pick 6 who knows what would have happened?!” But that’s just it. There’s no way of knowing what the momentum would have been like if not for that. NCSU could have kicked a FG, went 3 and out, scored an TD, etc. But instead our much maligned secondary transcended the moment and did what good teams do to teams they’re better than.

“Special Teams, Special Plays, Special Players”

Every great team has some “magic” that helps them at crucial moments. We seem to have that this year. I’m not ready to say we’re championship caliber yet. I will reserve my judgment for 2 weeks from now.
I do suspect
The Pack got wrecked
Vols amazing
Herbstreit praising
Brooks pick sixin'
Heupel fixin'
Dline Feastin'
'Backers Beastin'
Nico pitchin'
Dylan ditchin'
Myles was scorin'
Orange roarin'
Oline gradin'
Dixie maiden
Scoreboard fatter
It don't matter
Touchdown city
Vols by Fiddy

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