Got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled, while numbed and awake in HS. Dentist nearly broke my jaw, left to show my mom (in the waiting room) how big one of the roots was. Dropped the cutting wheel into my mouth (somehow despite being on laughing gas I didn't swallow it).
3 Days later I was back to normal, think I took 1 or 2 pills from the 20 prescribed, flushed the rest down the toilet to avoid someone trying to break in to steal 'em. (lovely neighbors we had)
More recently I had a far worse dentist visit. One of the top back teeth needed a big filling done that was near the nerve, he actually thought it needed a root canal. But said we could try...ended up with a "hot tooth" as they call it, meaning I felt everything. He asked half way through if I wanted to stop, and I told him I wasn't coming back to do this again so he needed to finish the job.
Worse pain I've ever experienced in my life.