Can’t play 8v5. Azubuike can’t score unless it’s a lob without pushing off. Big play of the game was him shoving Fulky in the back with no call with about 3 and a half minutes left. I almost hate watching basketball because of officiating. It is awful.
6 TOs by James...only 4 assists. 0 POINTS. Need a better ratio from a 5* combo guard.
23 fouls vs 16? Please. Refs protected KU.
17 more FTs for KU than us.
1 bench point. Need more than that.
Great 2nd half by Bowden. Need to see him continue to keep the lights on.
Pons and Fulky with more great games. I wish we had guys around them who would create more, because these two having to create for themselves leads to some poor shots and TOs.
Great fight. Refs calling that fair would've resulted in a UT win. We knew what we were up against though. 5 on 8 at the Phog as everyone's said.
People have questioned Barnes coaching ability this year. Those people need to watch Pons and Fulkerson. Never thought they could play at such a high level.
We’ll make the tourney. Next year’s team will be dangerous with all the experience these guys are gaining.