Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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We literally run the opposite of stagnant offense. I bet very few if anybody runs an offense with more player movement in the halfcourt offense than we do. Players need to be more aggressive attacking the basket. Which Barnes has said in interviews. But that is not a product of a stagnant offense.

Just because there is movement doesn’t mean the type of offense isn’t stagnant,everyone is moving in basketball lol in general...he’s constantly sitting high picks 25 feet away from the basket at the top of the key with no one taking advantage of the screens to get space and score,just standing around and watching one to many passes because nobody wants to take the shot...Barnes is literally still trying to run a offense as if he has a paint threat and he doesn’t..this team would be a tourney team if he played to his strengths like a uptempo shooting team...We have outside threats that never get in rhythm because of the type of offense we run...Faulky is trash point player (cleaning the glass) he hasn’t shown he can play facing or having his back to the basketball but he has shown he will fight for a rebound.thats my whole point.get Bowden,gains,Johnson,vescovi and pons in rhythm and you’ll see a different team all shoot the ball well enough to be a threat from deep.
You seriously did not know that? I thought anybody that had been here a while knew it.
I actually live a pretty wholesome life..I guess I just don't sound like it sometimes on VN.
We all are not perfect. There has only been one perfect person walk this earth brother. The good thing is that he died a horrible death on a cross for all our sins and one day all that believe that will get to meet him. 😁
Butch must be unhireable
I've thought for the longest time that he just didn't wanna bail Tennessee out of that buy-out. That he was just biding his time until the buy-out is over, let his agent throw his name out there every now and then for a position, and then was gonna go for some of these jobs when we finish paying him. But I think he was publicly embarrassed and humiliated by the national media, and I think he's probably seen as toxic to many in coaching circles.

We'll see a year from now when his buy-out runs out next February.
Highest Divorce Rates

Kentucky: 3.5%

Tennessee: 3.5%

Florida: 3.6%

Alabama: 3.7%

Allright VN are we going to let Alabama and Florida beat us ?

Yeah let them have this one. So sad to see families split up like that but they will always be brother and sister.
"You can come visit the kids when you drop mom off after her visit to the beauty parlor."
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I've thought for the longest time that he just didn't wanna bail Tennessee out of that buy-out. That he was just biding his time until the buy-out is over, let his agent throw his name out there every now and then for a position, and then was gonna go for some of these jobs when we finish paying him. But I think he was publicly embarrassed and humiliated by the national media, and I think he's probably seen as toxic to many in coaching circles.

We'll see a year from now when his buy-out runs out next February.

I agree. His confidence may be shot. I have experienced it myself and the longer you do not address it the more difficult it can be to overcome.
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I agree. His confidence may be shot. I have experienced it myself and the longer you do not address it the more difficult it can be to overcome.
I don't think his time at Bama is going to help him repair his image. He's going to have to go to a lower, non-power 5 school, IMO.
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